Week #2

Week #2 #

Project: Vehicle tracking at maintenance service #

Team Formation and Project Proposal #

Topics #

  1. Component Breakdown: Identify the major components and modules that will form your software solution. Outline their responsibilities and interactions to ensure a cohesive structure.

  2. Data Management: Determine how data will be stored, accessed, and manipulated within your application. Select appropriate databases or data storage solutions based on the project’s requirements.

  3. User Interface (UI) Design: Consider the user experience (UX) and design principles when planning your UI. Sketch wireframes or create mockups to visualize the layout and flow of your application.

  4. Integration and APIs: Assess any external systems, services, or APIs that need to be integrated into your application. Plan how these integrations will be implemented and how data will flow between systems.

  5. Scalability and Performance: Anticipate future growth and consider scalability aspects when designing the architecture. Ensure that your application can handle increasing user loads and data volumes without compromising performance.

  6. Security and Privacy: Incorporate appropriate security measures into your architecture to protect user data and safeguard against potential vulnerabilities. Consider authentication, authorization, encryption, and other relevant security practices.

  7. Error Handling and Resilience: Plan for handling errors and exceptions to maintain a reliable and resilient application. Define strategies for error logging, monitoring, and graceful error recovery.

  8. Deployment and DevOps: Consider the deployment process and DevOps practices that align with your chosen tech stack. Automate deployment tasks, implement version control, and establish a robust development workflow.

Questionnaire #

  1. Tech Stack Resources

    Are you utilizing any project-based books that specifically cover your tech stack and help you build your project? If yes, please provide the names of these books (name at least 3).

Our team uses topics that we have covered during studying at Innopolis university and searches for materials in the Internet.

How do you anticipate utilizing these materials to enhance your knowledge and expertise in your tech stack?

We will search documentation for libraries and frameworks to compare different methods of development process and use specific ones.

  1. Mentorship Support

    Do you currently have a mentor actively involved in your project? If yes, kindly share the name of your mentor and explain how their guidance has positively influenced your project.

No, our team does not inculde a mentor.

If you don’t have a mentor yet, have you considered seeking one?

Our team includes people with all needed tech stack, so we decided not to recruite a mentor.

How do you believe having a mentor could contribute to the success of your project?

If we had a mentor, they would be specialists in CV. Mentor in CV scope would help us in human activity recognition (task with higher complexity). Other task such as human recognition, machine recognition, and car number recognition we suppose to do by ourselves or use open sources.

  1. Exploring Alternative Resources

    In addition to project-based books, what other resources have you explored to expand your understanding of your tech stack? (This could include online courses, video tutorials, documentation, or any other sources that have been valuable in filling knowledge gaps. Please, name at least 3 resources)

We are using such resources as:

  1. Identifying Knowledge Gaps

    Are there any specific areas within your tech stack where you or your team feel there are knowledge gaps or expertise is lacking? If so, how do you plan to address these gaps and ensure a well-rounded understanding of your chosen technologies?

Our team did not expect that the task will require microservices knowledge, but we are using Internet sources to remove gaps in understanding of this scope.

  1. Engaging with the Tech Community

    Have you actively engaged with the broader tech community to seek guidance or learn from experienced professionals in your tech stack? This could involve participating in online forums and groups (telegram, discord or any other platform), attending local meetups (Kazan, Innopolis)?

No, all needed information already was in open souces in the Internet, so we just googled.

Do you have means to engage experts into critical tech stack problems through professional networks?

No, we made a team considering soft and hard skills of every person, so all roles in this projects are dictributed without any problems. Our team includes only students, there is no experts of the IT industry.

  1. Learning Objectives

    What specific learning objectives have you set for yourself and your team in relation to your tech stack this week?*

Our team set such learning objectives:

Darya Zhuravleva - WandB, video processing

Igor Abramov - WandB, Catboost, Matplotlib

Mariya Sapukhina - Figma

Voronova Aleksandra - Figma

Viktoriya Kruk - react, neural networks, video processing

Lev Rekhlov - Flask, Django

George Nosachev - Flask, Django

Daniil Lyagin - FastAPI, RestAPI, React, Redux, formik

How do you plan to achieve these objectives, and what strategies or resources will you employ to deepen your understanding?*

We will use Internet to read all needed documentations. Also we will share experience between ourselves.

  1. Sharing Knowledge with Peers

    How have you been sharing your knowledge and expertise with your teammates?*

Yes, we always share experience with teammates who are not in the material.

Have you organized any knowledge-sharing sessions or discussions to facilitate the exchange of insights and experiences related to your tech stack?*

Yes, we have already had two meeting where we shared our knowledges among other things.

  1. Leveraging AI

    How have you leveraged AI to compensate for any lacking expertise in your tech stack?*

We ask AI in terms of any difficulties in understanding of development process. Moreover, we will use AI for testing our product.

Have you utilized AI-powered tools or platforms to expedite the process of acquiring knowledge and expertise in your tech stack?*

Yes, we use AI for asking questions and make development process faster by the help of coding assistants.

Tech Stack and Team Allocation #

Task: After finalizing the tech stack and team allocation, how did you ensure that each team member was effectively assigned to appropriate tasks and responsibilities within the project? Please provide a detailed explanation of how your project is structured, including the specific technologies being utilized and the corresponding team members responsible for each component. Clearly outline the responsibilities of each team member in relation to their assigned parts.

Team Members Responsibility

Team MemberTech StackProject PartResponsibility
Darya ZhuravlevaPython, ML, RLML EngineeringManaging the project, model development
Igor AbramovPython, ML, CVML EngineeringResearching, model development
Mariya SapukhinaFigmaDesignCreating web design
Voronova AleksandraFigmaDesignCreating web design
Viktoriya KrukPython, TypeScript, Javascript, React, HTML/CSS, MLML Engineering, BackendFrontend, model development
Lev RekhlovPython, Flask, PostgreSQL, Django, SQLAlchemyBackendAPI development
George NosachevPython, Docker, GitHubBackend, DevOpsDeployment, CI/CD
Daniil LiaginPython, Flask, Django, RestAPI, React, JavaScript, Redux, formikFull stackAPI, frontend development


1. Component Breakdown

Missing 2. Data Management


3. UI Design Missing

4. Integration and APIs


5. Scalability and Performance Missing

6. Security and Privacy Missing

7. Error handling and Resillience


8. Deployment and DevOps Missing

Answering questioner

  1. What materials?
  2. So you are perfect at the tech stack. Yo don’t need an advice?
  3. Good
  4. How?
  5. But google eventually will lead you to a comunity
  6. good
  7. What kind of knowledge you shared?
  8. How AI will test the product exactly?

Overall The report is poor, and missing a lot of requested items. And lack details. Grade 1/5

Feedback by Moofiy