Week #3

Week #3 #

Progress report #

Prototype Features: Outline the features and functionalities that you have successfully implemented in your prototype. Include any core interactions, user flows, or data management capabilities that are essential to your project’s goals.

Our project is an industrial case. We were asked to create microservices and a desktop application that includes:

  • tracking car numbers coming and leaving zones of Maintenance and Repair through CV;
  • tracking work of employees inside each zone of Maintenance and Repair through CV;
  • making markups of zones of Maintenance and Repair by a user.

For this week, the main effort was to create UI/UX design including all listed features above (to make a prorotype). Moreover, our backend-developer thought through the database and coded scratch of API.

Additionally, methods of determination and tracking are found (cose is in progress), markup of 3 videos is done (special task from our customer), layout is in progress.

User Interface: Showcase the user interface design of your prototype through screenshots or interactive prototypes. Highlight the key screens and explain how users will interact with your application. If your project has no UI elements, you may skip this part.

  • Screens

  • User flow

Challenges and Solutions: Share any challenges or obstacles you encountered during the development of your prototype. Describe how you addressed these challenges and provide insights into the solutions you implemented.

Development partProblemSolution
DesignAbsense of experience to create an inductrial application designUsing design of applications for car numbers tracking as examples
MLConnecting of many libraries with different APIs, Functionality of models is limited by specific functionsRewriting source code
BackendAbsense of knowledge how to add new cameras to the applicationIn progress
FrontendAbsense of knowledge how to display stationary cameras in the interfaceIn progress

Next Steps: Discuss your plans for the upcoming weeks and outline the features or improvements you intend to focus on. Create a priority list of features needed to be implemented. This will demonstrate your project’s trajectory and provide a glimpse into the future development phases.

As we are working with a customer, they have strict deadlines for each task. Our teamlead created Gant diagram for easier control the progress.

    / [pdf]

Next week we are aimed to do the following:

  • Frontend:

Selection of the main blocks, layout;

  • Backend:

Data Modeling DB, tuning, authorization and authentication

  • ML:

Implementation of finding and tracking of objects in the frame, beginning of determination of the logic of the arrival / departure of the vehicle to the “ТОиР” zones.


Prototype Features
Good outline for the features, but it’s better to name those feature for easier tracking. Beached what you providing her is a description

User Interface
It would be better to provide a link rather than a picture. It looks good but I need a prove that this is yours.

Challenges and Solutions
Good way of layout the changes.

Also the solution for ML doesn’t really related to the problem. Does it?

But why the solution is in progress what does that mean? Solution should be stated

Next Steps
This part is weak. You need to reflect reply on next steps not step.

Ok report, it seems that you don’t have much progress with development. Reflect more on planing the project. And how to get things done. in this pace you might not finish on time.


Feedback by Moofiy