Week #3

Week 3 Report Alumni Portal #

Introduction #

This week we finished the final versions of the following pages for our website: the mentorship page, merch page, entrance card page, profile and registration page, and AI chat page.

Throughout the week, we were in contact with the Student Affairs department and received some updates from them. We had a call with one of the alumni who is interested in creating the Innopolis Alumni Europe Club. He suggested that we create the map using data from LinkedIn by identifying individuals who graduated from Innopolis University and then input this data into the map. Additionally, we can use location data from alumni profiles.

Priority list with milestone division #

Our milestones and Priorities: 1-2 Weeks:

  1. Chat Feature: Implement a chat functionality for real-time communication.
  2. Mentor Page: Develop a page where users can connect with mentors.
  3. Pass Receipt Page: Create a page for issuing and managing event passes.
  4. Profile Page: Design and implement user profile management functionality.
  5. Merch Purchase Page: Develop an online store page for merchandise purchases. 3-4 Weeks:
  6. Main Page: Design and deploy the main landing page of the website.
  7. Donation Page: Create a page for accepting donations and contributions.
  8. AI Recommendation System: Implement machine learning to provide personalized recommendations. 5-6 Weeks:
  9. Deployment: Deploy the entire website to ensure it is live and accessible.
  10. Layout and Integration: Ensure consistent design across all pages and seamless integration of functionalities.
  11. Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and resolve any issues or bugs.
  12. Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from users and stakeholders to iterate and improve the portal.
  13. Portal Improvement: Make necessary enhancements based on feedback and testing results to enhance user experience and functionality.

Progress #

AI Chat #

This week we tested a model and found it to be very slow. After conducting a review and after meeting with our TA, we concluded that we wil not use LLM model and better make a recommendation system using neural networks.

Request for a University Visit Page #

To request university visit access, an alumnus should enter their name, surname, email, Telegram alias, and the date they wish to visit. If the alumnus’s email is in the alumni database, the request will be sent to the 319 team.

req_1 req_2 req_3

Profile Page #

On the profile page, we added an editable section that allows users to edit their information and save it to the database.


Merchandise Page #

On the merchandise page, you can select the desired product, choose the size if needed, and enter your name, surname, and alias. The Student Affairs office can then contact you for further purchase details. On the admin page, we added an option to add items and manage the quantity of available items for sale.

merch_1 merch_2 merch_3

The Problems We Are Facing #

We encountered some issues related to the AI chat. Currently, we cannot implement parallel immediate output of chat replies. Additionally, we discovered that alumni are prohibited from receiving entrance cards. Therefore, we can only allow alumni to enter the university through security guards without the card itself. This is unfortunate because according to the alumni poll, the most desired feature is a one-day entrance card. However, the director of Innopolis University has stated that this is prohibited.

We are facing some problems related to the AI chat as for now we cannot implement parallel output of chatting reply. Also, we found out that it is prohibited for alumnus to get an entrance card, so we can only do the permission to enter the university through security guards without the card itself. It is sad because according to the Alumni’s poll they want the most to get the entrance card for one day but the director of Innopolis University said that it is prohibited.

Plans for the Next Week #

We are ready to create the remaining pages for our website. We plan to make the main page where all subpages will be located. We will also create an event page that allows alumni to create or register for events. We would like to add the student map feature. Finally, we will focus on creating the donation page as team 319 is planning to establish the Alumni Foundation. This foundation will allow alumni to donate and the funds will be used to support the alumni club’s needs. For AI chat, the ML team will begin implementing a recommendation system.

For the coming week, we plan to have a call with another alumnus who was the leader of the Student Union for several years.

Future Plans #

If we have some extra time, we plan to develop a Telegram bot and a web app for the notification system.