Week #3

Week #3 #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

Our project’s GitLab: https://gitlab.pg.innopolis.university/bookrooms

Demo version is available here: https://bookrooms.gladov.ru

Technical Infrastructure: #

  • Hosting Environment: Currently running on a local server using Docker Compose for development and testing. We plan to transition to the private server in future iterations.
  • Deployment Method: Currently, we are using Docker Compose for containerizing and deploying the application locally. We will implement a CI/CD pipeline for automated deployments as the project matures.
  • Logging: We are using basic logging mechanisms within our Go backend and Javascript frontend. We will consider implementing a centralized log aggregator like Splunk for more comprehensive error tracking and analysis as the project progresses.

Backend Development: #

  • API Endpoints: By the end of 3 weeks, we developed the following API endpoints:
    • Room Availability Query: This endpoint allows users to retrieve available rooms within a specified time range.
    • Booking Creation: This endpoint handles booking requests, including validation of user input and booking constraints.
  • Data Validation: We implemented data validation rules to ensure the integrity of bookings. These rules include:
    • Validating date and time formats
    • Verifying room availability within the specified time range

Frontend Development: #

  • User Interface Components: We developed the following user interface components:
    • Search Bar: Allows users to search for rooms by name, building, room type, and availability.
    • Booking Form: Enables users to create and manage booking requests.
  • 3D Model: We developed the 3D campus model using Three.js:
    • Created a 3D model in 3ds max and imported it using Three.js.
    • Created interactive parts of the 3D model that change texture when a button is pressed.
    • Integrated the 3D model with the frontend interface.

Data Management: #

We have established a database schema with the following tables:

  • Room: Stores information about each room, including its type, name, capacity, and building location.
  • User: Stores user information, including roles (student, staff, etc.), names, and email addresses.
  • Booking: Records booking details, including the room ID, user ID, start time, and end time.
  • Building: Defines buildings on campus with unique IDs and names.
  • Room Type: Categorizes room types, such as auditoriums, meeting rooms, and study rooms.
  • User Favorite Room: Allows users to mark specific rooms as favorites.

Prototype Testing: #

  • Testing Methods: We conducted manual testing this week.
  • Testing Scope: We tested the backend API functionality, frontend user interface, 3D model interactions, and database integration.
  • Test Results: We did not encounter any critical bugs or issues during this testing phase.
  • User Feedback: We have not yet conducted user testing but will prioritize it in the coming weeks to gather valuable feedback.

Weekly Progress Report: #

This week, our team has made significant progress in developing the project:

  1. Added Default Rooms to the Database: We implemented a mechanism to populate the database with default Innopolis rooms during backend startup. This involved:
  • Creating a initRooms.json file containing a list of default rooms with their attributes (name, type, floor, capacity, building ID).
  • Implementing logic in the backend to parse the initRooms.json file and insert the rooms into the PostgreSQL database.
    This ensures the database has a starting point with essential rooms, simplifying initial testing and setup.
  1. Developed the 3D model using Three.js:
  • Created a basic 3D viewer with features like loading multiple models, moving, and scaling
  • Designed interactive 3D model elements that respond to button presses by altering their texture.


  1. Created the basic frontend layout:
    We designed and implemented a basic layout for the frontend user interface. This included a rough sketch of the layout elements based on the provided requirements. This initial layout provides a visual foundation for further development.

  2. Defined the Database Schema:
    We defined our database schema that includes tables for:

  • Room: Details about each room, including type (lecture room, meeting room, etc.), name, capacity, floor, and building.
  • User: Information about users, including their role (student, staff, etc.), name, and email.
  • Booking: Records of room bookings, including room ID, user ID, start time, and end time.
  • Building: Defines buildings on campus, with unique IDs, names and numbers of floors.
  • Room Type: Categorizes room types (lecture room, meeting room, etc.).
  • User Favorite Room: Allows users to mark specific rooms as favorites.


  1. Conducted a meeting:
    We held a meeting with the team leader of last year’s capstone team “Bookinng”. We received useful information:
  • Integration: We received some advice on how to integrate our system into IU Outlook.
  • Contacts: The team leader shared the contacts of the developers of the current room booking service.
  • Calendar: We got some ideas on how bookings can be displayed on the timeline to make the user experience more convenient.

Challenges & Solutions #

Miscommunication and CI/CD Implementation: Initial difficulties setting up the CI/CD pipeline arose due to miscommunication regarding requirements and configurations. We addressed this by clarifying roles, ensuring shared understanding, and creating collaborative documentation. We are now confident in implementing a robust CI/CD process.

Uneven Workload Distribution: We observed uneven workload distribution, with some team members underloaded while others carried heavier tasks. We addressed this by openly discussing workloads, implementing a task management system, and encouraging proactive communication. These steps aim to create a more balanced and efficient workflow within the team.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

Our priority list for the next weeks:

  • Continue Backend Development: Expand API endpoints to include booking cancellation, user management, and other essential features.
  • Frontend Development: Develop the complete user interface, including user profile pages, booking history, calendar integration, and more.
  • 3D Model Development: Create a new 3D campus model using Blender, adding more details, navigation features, and user interaction.
  • Database Optimization: Optimize database queries and implement data migration strategies.
  • Integration Testing: Develop comprehensive integration tests for the backend and frontend.
  • User Testing: Conduct user testing with real students, faculty, and staff to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, we are progressing well on our goal of delivering a robust and user-friendly room booking system for Innopolis University. The team is focused on creating a system that addresses the university’s specific needs and enhances the overall room booking experience.