Week #5

Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

  • Feedback collection plan

We implemented a user survey to gather insights into user preferences and needs for the room booking system. The survey focused on understanding user priorities when choosing a room, their flexibility regarding floor selection and booking times.

  • Conducted user surveys or feedback sessions

We conducted a user survey among a targeted group of students, faculty, and staff at Innopolis University. The survey covered key aspects of user flow, including:

  • Room Selection Criteria: We asked users to rank the importance of factors such as room type, capacity, location (floor), availability, and other preferences.

  • Floor Flexibility: We gauged user willingness to book rooms on different floors if their preferred floor was unavailable.

  • Time Flexibility: We assessed user tolerance for booking a room at slightly different times if their preferred time slot was unavailable.

  • Analyzing feedback, identifying and prioritizing issues

We are currently collecting survey responses and will analyze the data in the coming week. The insights gathered from this analysis will inform our design decisions and prioritize features for the upcoming iterations of the system. We will present the findings and their impact on our design in the next week’s report.

Roadmap: #

We are currently focusing on enhancements and additional features. Our timeline for these features is still being finalized, but we anticipate delivering them in the coming weeks:

  • User Authentication and Authorization: Secure login using Google SSO.
  • User Profiles and Preferences: Allow users to create profiles, save preferred rooms, and manage their booking history.
  • Advanced Search Filters: Expand search capabilities with location, date and time filters.
  • Notifications and Reminders: Implement email or in-app notifications for booking confirmations, cancellations, and reminders.
  • User Feedback Integration: Incorporate user feedback and make necessary improvements based on testing and user experience.

Weekly Progress Report: #

This week, our team made significant strides towards a functional and engaging user experience:

Backend Completion:

  • The backend development is now considered complete. All core features, including user management, booking creation/deletion, data retrieval (room types, current bookings), and data validation are fully functional and integrated with the database.

Frontend Integration:

  • We successfully integrated the newly developed backend API endpoints into the frontend, enabling user interaction with key features:
    • Room Type Filtering: Users can filter their room search based on specific room types, such as meeting rooms or lecture rooms.
    • Booking Management: Users can now create, view, and delete their own bookings.

3D Model Enhancements:

  • We significantly improved the visual appeal of the 3D model by:
    • Enhanced Walls: We implemented more realistic and visually appealing wall textures, adding detail and depth to the 3D environment.
    • Inertial Camera Movement: We introduced inertial camera movement, making navigation smoother and more intuitive for users exploring the 3D campus.
  • We modeled two floors of the university building, creating a detailed representation of the physical space. These models are ready for integration with the frontend, allowing users to visually navigate and explore the university’s building in a realistic way.

Challenges & Solutions #

Google SSO Integration:

  • Challenge: Integrating Google SSO for user authentication has presented technical challenges.
  • Solution: We are actively working to overcome these challenges by collaborating, testing, and refining the integration process.

3D Model Integration:

  • Challenge: Integrating the 3D model with the frontend has been more complex than expected.
  • Solution: We are employing a collaborative approach, with regular communication and code reviews, to ensure seamless integration.

We are confident in our team’s ability to deliver a high-quality system despite these challenges.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

Next Steps:

  • Analyze Survey Results: We will analyze the survey data collected this week to understand key user preferences and identify areas for optimization in the user interface and functionality.
  • Frontend Development: We will continue to refine the frontend interface, focusing on user experience and incorporating the findings from the user survey.
  • 3D Model Integration: We will integrate the 3D models of the university building into the frontend, enabling users to visually explore and navigate the campus.
  • User Testing: We will plan and conduct user testing sessions with real users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

We are confident that the progress made this week brings us closer to delivering a user-friendly and efficient room booking system for Innopolis University. We will continue to refine our development process based on user feedback and strive to create a system that meets the needs of the university community.