
Progress report / Week 5 #

Weekly tasks #

Schedule Meetings or Interviews #

We successfully held meetings with two key stakeholders, gaining valuable insights and feedback directly from them. Additionally, we collected responses from ten individuals through our online survey, providing us with a broader range of perspectives.

Prepare a Feedback Collection Plan #

We surveyed participants after giving them a clear explanation of our project, allowing us to skip introductory questions and directly ask for their feedback on our MVP app version. The specific areas we will focus on are usability, functionality, design and user-experience, performance and overall-satisfaction.

Conduct User Surveys or Feedback Sessions #

Here are the questions and answers:

Analyze Feedback #

After reviewing the responses, we have analyzed the feedback and identified the following key points:

  • Overall, users are satisfied with the app and its features
  • The onboarding process might be slightly too lengthy
  • The affirmations section appears clickable, and the font is difficult to read
  • There is strong demand for a dark mode
  • Users should be able to name their notes
  • One user expressed concerns about the trustworthiness of the privacy note

Prioritize Feedback & Refine the Product Roadmap #

Based on the feedback received, we have decided to make the following changes to our app, considering their impact and feasibility of implementation:

  • Onboarding: We will retain the current onboarding process as there was only one negative review
  • Affirmations Feature: The affirmations feature will remain unchanged since only one user found it confusing. However, we will change the font from italic to non-italic for better readability
  • Dark Mode: We will implement a dark mode after the MVP version is released
  • Note Naming: Users will be able to name their notes by the end of the course
  • Note Covers: After the MVP, we will add the ability for users to change note covers, which are currently selected randomly
  • Privacy Statement: We will work on making the privacy statement more trustworthy

Roadmap #


  • Create new note & AI-assistant lifebuoy
  • What emotion do I feel
  • My recent emotions and statistics
  • Affirmations
  • Note naming

After-MVP #

  • Dark mode
  • Note Covers
  • Feedback

Challenges and solutions #

This week’s main challenge was maintaining motivation as the initial excitement waned and the end of the semester approached, leaving the team feeling a bit tired. To overcome these difficulties, we used the following strategies:

  1. Break Down Tasks: Smaller, manageable tasks made progress visible
  2. Peer Support: Fostered a sense of camaraderie and collective effort
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognized and celebrated milestones to boost morale
  4. Engage with the Bigger Picture by Revisiting Project Goals: Reminded everyone of the project’s importance

Next steps #

As we move forward, we will continue working on our service by considering the results of the surveys and feedback collected. Our next steps include:

Priority List for This Week: #

  1. Continue Development:
    • Implement iOS version
    • Implement Android version
  2. Incorporate Survey Results:
    • Thoroughly analyze the survey results to identify key areas for improvement
    • Make necessary adjustments to the service based on the feedback
  3. Refine Product Features:
    • Develop a detailed plan to enhance existing features
    • Prioritize updates based on user feedback and feasibility
  4. Design Edits
    • Change the font in the affirmations block from italic to non-italic