Week #6

Week #6 #

Presentation: #

Link to the presentation draft.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Our team implemented the entire server-client communication system this week. We also completed the admin console, allowing administrators to create rooms and monitor participants in real-time. Additionally, we added UIs for joining rooms to the SwiftUI client.

Challenges & Solutions #

The main challenge was achieving real-time updates efficiently. We resolved this by implementing websocket communication, which offers a low-latency, performance-friendly solution for server-client interactions.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

We concluded that while our system is functional, there is room for improvement. We need to train our model further and incorporate advanced techniques such as detecting other humans in the frame, audio processing to ensure the user isn’t speaking with anyone else, and gesture recognition. Additionally, we plan to enhance the UI. Although we followed SwiftUI guidelines and used common components, developing a design system and implementing it could significantly improve the overall look and feel of the app.