Week #6

Week #6 #

Presentation: #

    / [pdf]

Weekly Progress Report: #

By the end of this week we adjusted the design of the Telegram bot according to the feedback, collected on the previous week. At the same time we majorly improved menu generation algorithm (couple of words about it later). Also, we created the first version of the slides for the final presentation.

Challenges & Solutions #

As for the algorithm, it came out quite narrow-minded in the recipe diversity component. In other words, all recipes were quite similar, and none of us would enjoy a week of potato dishes or a day of rice. Through thorough inspection and slight upgrades of algorithm we were able to achive diversity in the list of products that is leading as to the diversity in recipes. The most amount of problems in the development process on this project were caused by system incompatibilities of machines in our team. This often led to code crushing on one machine while working on the other. But, by quick response of each member of our team, such prolems resolve almost immediately.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

This week we made a significant contribution to the project, and it is almost in the MVP stage. We will dedicate next week to careful and thoughtful planing of our presentation on the final day, as well as rehersing it.