Week #5

Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

Feedback Collection Plan #

This week, we continued to expand our network of feedback providers, engaging with a diverse group of stakeholders, including potential clients and users from the cryptocurrency community. We utilized surveys complemented by in-depth interviews to collect detailed feedback on our trading platform.

Conducted User Surveys or Feedback Sessions #

User surveys were meticulously designed to capture detailed insights into the usability, functionality, and user satisfaction with our trading platform. We structured the sessions around a set of specific questions, aiming to uncover both strengths and areas for improvement:

  • Usability and Design:

    • How intuitive do you find the navigation on our platform?
    • Can you describe your overall experience with the platform’s design?
  • Functionality and Features:

    • How satisfied are you with the speed of transactions on our platform?
    • Are there any trading features you feel are missing from our platform?
    • What are your thoughts on the current token analysis tools available?
    • Would you find a mobile version of our platform useful?
  • New Feature Suggestions:

    • Would you use a trading bot if it were available? What specific functionalities would you expect from it?
    • How important are multihop transactions for your trading strategy?
    • How often do you find the need to withdraw your balance from the platform?
  • Technical Aspects:

    • Have you experienced any technical issues while using our platform? If so, can you detail the nature of these issues?

The feedback collected was both quantitative and qualitative, allowing us to measure satisfaction levels and gather specific comments on various aspects of the platform. This direct user input is crucial for guiding our development priorities and ensuring our platform aligns closely with user needs and expectations.

Analyzing Feedback, Identifying and Prioritizing Issues #

Feedback analysis revealed several key areas needing attention:

  • Mobile Version: Many users expressed the need for a dedicated mobile version of the platform for trading on the go.
  • Trading Bot: Users requested a trading bot for automated notifications and actions.
  • Token Analysis: There is a high demand for more in-depth analysis tools for assessing token metrics and trends.
  • More DEXs: Users would like more decentralized exchanges integrated for broader trading options.
  • Trading Features: Several users requested stop/buy limit features to enhance trading strategy execution.
  • Multihop Transactions: Users need the ability to perform multihop transactions to optimize their trading strategies (e.g., converting TON to USDT to another token).
  • Withdrawal Options: Users have pointed out the necessity to have a straightforward option to withdraw balances.

Positive feedback highlighted the platform’s design and the speed of functionality as major strengths, affirming that these aspects greatly enhance the user experience.

Roadmap: #

The roadmap has been updated to reflect the priorities identified from user feedback:

  • Short-term Goals:

    • Develop and launch a mobile version of the platform.
    • Integrate a basic trading bot for notification and automated trade execution.
    • Add basic multihop transaction capabilities.
  • Mid-term Goals:

    • Enhance token analytics tools with more detailed metrics and real-time data.
    • Integrate additional decentralized exchanges to provide users with more trading options.
    • Implement stop/buy limits to improve trading functionality.
    • Develop a simple and secure method for users to withdraw their balances.
  • Long-term Goals:

    • Continuous improvement of the mobile application based on user feedback.
    • Expand the capabilities of the trading bot to include more complex strategies and customization options.
    • Further expand the list of supported DEXs and explore potential integrations with other major exchanges.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Achievements: #

  • Extended the feedback collection and incorporated essential features into the development pipeline.
  • Started the initial development phase for the mobile version and trading bot functionalities.
  • Refined user interface elements based on positive design feedback.

Challenges & Solutions: #

  • Challenge: Integrating a user-friendly multihop transaction system.
    • Solution: Prioritized backend logic updates and started collaboration with blockchain experts to simplify the transaction flow.
  • Challenge: Developing a comprehensive framework for more detailed token analysis.
    • Solution: Allocated additional resources to enhance our data analysis capabilities and integrated new API endpoints for real-time data fetching.

Conclusions & Next Steps: #

The feedback received this week has been instrumental in guiding the next phases of development. Our immediate focus will be on implementing the requested features to meet user needs while preparing for the final project presentation. We are dedicated to refining our product to ensure it not only meets but exceeds user expectations in functionality and user experience.