Week #3

Week #3 #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

  • Technical Infrastructure: #

We have set up the foundational technical infrastructure to support our prototype development. Our project currently exists as a clickable prototype in Figma. To transition to a functional version, we have already set up a server and created Docker services. However, additional time is needed to develop the frontend based on our design. Learning sessions were organized to ensure all team members can efficiently utilize the development infrastructure.

  • Backend Development: #

We started implementing the backend functionality of our prototype. This involves developing the server-side logic, key APIs, and other essential backend services to support primary user interactions and data management. Core functions like authorization and trip creation were added.

  • Frontend Development: #

Frameworks #

We chose React for developing our application due to its high performance, component-based approach, large community, cross-platform nature.

UI/UX Design #

For our interface, we chose a block-based design structure. This will ensure clarity and simplicity of navigation, which will improve the user experience. The block structure also helps to adapt the interface to different screen sizes and resolutions, making it convenient to use on any device.

At the moment, we have successfully completed the design development for the mobile application and have started working on the desktop version.

  • Data Management: #

We will continue to use Data Management and database technologies described in the Week 2 report.

  • Prototype Testing: #

We gathered feedback on the user interface from both team members and acquaintances. Additionally, we conducted 5 A/B tests using the SplitTest service, with 15 participants in each test, gathering a total of 75 reviews of our interface. This allowed us to select the best component options and fix errors. Next week, we plan to launch several more tests to gather additional feedback and further improve our prototype.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Our team made progress this week: #

Milestones #

  • Design: Achieved a more polished and consistent design across the application.
  • Database: The process of implementing and adding interaction functions continues.
  • Backend: Continued implementation of key functions, including authorization and creation of trips.
  • User Stories: Refined user stories and backlog, ensuring alignment with current project goals and user needs.
  • Testing: Completed initial rounds of testing and incorporated user feedback for next week’s work.

Team Activities #

  • Design Review Sessions: Held regular sessions to review design changes and gather input.
  • Database Implementation Meetings: Conducted meetings to discuss database implementation progress and resolve issues.
  • Backend Development Sprints: Organized sprints to focus on developing and testing backend services.
  • Testing and Feedback Sessions: Scheduled sessions to test components and collect user feedback.

Challenges & Solutions #

During the week, we encountered a challenge:

Maintaining design consistency across all elements.

Solution: Conducting regular design reviews and collaborating closely with users and the development team to ensure consistency.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

Summary #

In summary, significant progress was made in refining the design, implementing the database, and developing backend services. Continuous feedback and iterative improvements are crucial for project quality and meeting user needs, while collaboration and regular reviews ensure consistency and alignment with goals.

Next Steps #

  • Design Iteration: Keep iterating on design elements based on feedback to ensure a cohesive and user-friendly experience.
  • Backend Enhancements: Continue to implement and optimize backend services and features.
  • Frontend Development: Start on developing frontend part of application.