Week #5

Week #5 #

Introduction #

This week, our main focus has been on developing the MVP. Additionally, we held a meeting with potential users to gather feedback and ensure our development is progressing in the right direction.

Feedbacks #

Feedback collection plan:

We structured our feedback collection plan around conducting two separate meetings with groups of five individuals each. Participants were provided with a link to our MVP project and given five minutes to explore its features. After this interaction, they were redirected to a Google questionnaire in which we asked them to rate our development and express their thoughts.

Conducted user surveys or feedback sessions:

During the meeting, participants engaged with our MVP project to assess its usability and functionality. Subsequently, they completed a Google questionnaire that included the following questions:

  • Did you find the navigation easy to understand and use?
  • Did you find the overall appearance of the app pleasing?
  • Are you interested in becoming a beta tester for the app?
  • How does our app compare to your current alternatives?
  • Would you recommend this app to others based on your experience today?
  • Did you encounter any issues while using the application?

Analyzing feedback, identifying and prioritizing issues:

Users had a preference for interacting with the deployed service over the Figma prototype, because they can see how it will be done. Our team is pleased to have conducted testing on the deployed prototype, which users found more effective in assessing the application’s functionality.

Upon reviewing user feedback and ratings, several key insights have emerged:

  • Visual Bug Identified and Resolved During testing, one participant encountered a visual issue on their device. This case was addressed and solved by our Frontend Developer. This case highlighting the importance of real-world testing to catch and rectify such issues early in development.

  • Positive Feedback on Visual Appeal and Intuitiveness Participants gave positive ratings for the application’s appearance and ease of use. This feedback shows that our UI/UX design efforts have successfully made the app user-friendly.

  • Interest in Full Feature Set Users expressed interest in experiencing the application with all planned features implemented. This has motivated our team to accelerate our development efforts.

Therefore, we are keen to expedite feature implementation to showcase the application’s full usability to users promptly.

Roadmap: #

Our plan is to finish developing the core features of our application by the end of the course. Afterward, we will shift focus to supporting the app and gathering more feedback from real users. This feedback will help us improve the app further to better serve our users’ needs.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Our team made progress this week: #

  • Frontend Development: Significant steps were made in frontend development, and finally our MVP is ready.

  • Backend Development: Backend development progressed steadily, following our established workflow and milestones.

  • Mobile Application: Development of the mobile application is currently underway, and we want to finish it for next week.

  • Design: Design work for the user interface has been finalized. Attention is now shifting towards the administration and taxi driver interfaces to ensure comprehensive coverage across all user segments.

Challenges & Solutions: #

During the week, we encountered a challenge:

  • Challenge: Rapid implementation of frontend components for the MVP proved challenging due to the complexity of integrating various features.

  • Solution: We addressed this challenge by allocating more time to frontend development and breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable components distributed among frontend developers.

Conclusions & Next Steps: #

We have made good progress with our frontend and backend development. Moving forward, we will focus on adding more features, improving the frontend, and getting feedback from users to make our project even better.

  • Next Steps:

Implement more features based on our project roadmap.

Test the application with users to gather feedback and make necessary refinements.