Week #4

Week #4 #

Feedback #

We have conducted a questionnaire across the students of Innopolis University to understand the necessity and the demand for our product. According to the results, students are indeed interested in a solution to the roommate problem we have outlined in Week #1 report. The clients are looking for a convenient solution that would help them find better roommates. The results prove the viability of our hypothesis.

Our project aggregates a multitude of solutions: roommate search, routines tracking, and shopping cart synchronization. Having all of these features in one place is our primary competitive advantage.

Despite the delays that happened on the backend side last week, we have detailed plans to show a functional MVP next week. We will share users’ feedback in the next report.

Testing #

Since the project was delayed, we had to prioritize development over testing. We have just stringed everything together: got a domain name, servers, hosts, developed a containerized solution, and are finishing with automation. We hope that by the middle of the next week we will have a completely automated CI/CD pipeline and, with valuable user feedback on our hand by the end of next week, we can start proper code testing of our project.

Iteration and plans #

Last week #

Last week we had issues with team communication, because many team members were unavailable. We came to a conclusion that we should meet as often as possible, even if the entire team cannot meet all at the same time. Our team is too big to look for intersection of free time across our complex schedules. As long as we meet and maintain a steady work tempo, all of the knowledge will eventually travel to every team member.

This week #

This week we have achieved a lot of things. Our primary objective was to step up our game with the backend part of the project. We can, with great pleasure, say that we have developed a functional backend that is containerized and is deployed at https://innolan.ru (notice that we managed to setup SSL on the domain). Hopefully, by the time you read this report the website is up and running, though, it might be down due to maintenance. (we are figuring out the deployment workflow during the last days of this week)

Next week #

Next week we plan to:

  • Have a CI/CD pipeline to speed up development and start testing
  • Have a functional roommate matching part of our project done
  • Have a functional notification service
  • Have a bite at the Routines
  • Collect user feedback

Week after the next (Week 6) #

Week 6 we plan to:

  • Deploy an ML solution that would recommend users profiles (a recommendation system, for this we need user feedback and data)
  • Have functional Routines
  • Have functional Events
  • Have a bite at the Shopping lists feature. We are hoping to implement this feature, but the questionnaire shows that it is not in such a high demand

Week 7 #

We decided reserve this week in case we encounter struggles beyond our ability in the weeks prior. During this week we are going to finish up what we have developed so far and focus on making the project more stable and resilient to failures.