Week # 6

Weekly Report #

Machine Learning #

Completed Tasks: #

  • Expanded the Dataset: Added data from more streaming platforms to enrich our dataset.
  • Used a New Transformer: Integrated BERT for better performance.
  • Tried Different Embedding Combinations: Experimented with various methods for combining embeddings to improve accuracy.
  • Gathered More Feedback: Collected more user feedback to understand how the model can be improved.

Future Tasks: #

  • Integrate Changes with Backend: Connect the improved ML model with the backend services.
  • Handle Users as Group: Add the feature to manage users in groups (It will be as if multiple players join the same session using an access code).

Backend #

Completed Tasks: #

  • Latest Movies Endpoint: Finished the endpoint for the latest movies and connected it with the frontend.
  • Genre-Based Movies Endpoint: Completed an endpoint that provides a list of movies based on genres.
  • Structured Recommendation Microservice: Organized the recommendation microservice.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Created a CI/CD pipeline for the recommendation system.

Future Tasks: #

  • Quiz for Multiple Users: Code the feature of the quiz for multiple users.
  • Requirements Gathering: Gather requirements, dependencies, and documentation from the ML and frontend teams.
  • Commit Code: Commit all backend code into the course organization repository.

Frontend #

Completed Tasks: #

  • Backend Integration: Worked on integrating the backend with the frontend.

  • Display Latest Movies: Started fetching matching movies from the backend and displaying a list of latest movies on the home page.

  • High Fidelity Design: Coded the new high fidelity design for all the pages, including:

    • The new Home Page Sample Image Sample Image

    • The new Login Page Sample Image

    • The new Signup Page Sample Image

    • The new Matches Page Sample Image

    • The new Quiz Page Sample Image

Future Tasks: #

  • Connect All Components with Backend: Ensure all frontend components are integrated with the backend services.
  • Polish Design: Refine and polish all the different parts in the design.
  • Design New Page: Create a new page for multiple users taking the quiz together.

Presentaion (Preliminary iteration) #

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