Week #1

Week #1 #

Team Formation and Project Proposal #

Team Members #

Team MemberTelegram IDEmail Address
Arthur Gubaidullin@V11P3Ra.gubaidullin@innopolis.university
Amir Bikineyev@Mastermind1250a.bikineyev@innopolis.university
Makar Brednikov@shinygummym.brednikov@innopolis.university
Dmitry Dydalin@Dmntyad.dydalin@innopolis.university
Leonid Novikov@MagiaDrivel.novikov@innopolis.university
Denis Nesterov@denisblizde.nesterov@innopolis.university
Nikita Borisov@NktBrsv_jrn.borisov@innopolis.university

Value Proposition #

  • Identify the Problem: Nowadays the 3D modeling field impacts our lives more and more with each day. Everyday dozens of 3D models are produced by experienced modelers working in different fields. For example, 2 large problems were discovered while we were talking with game developers and architects. These 2 problems are: Some game developers have zero knowledge about 3D modeling and focus on writing scripts and game logic that causes them to use already existing and paid assets that have limited modification capabilities. On the other hand, professional 3D modelers that work in game development and architecture fields have to deal with a daily routine of creating “base” 3D models for more complex ones.

  • Solution Description: We will provide people without any experience with high quality software that will allow users to generate any kind of simple 3D models in seconds. If we are talking about the second problem, the main goal is to “ease” their lives by providing them with an opportunity to quickly generate 3D models that may be modified in every way.

  • Benefits to Users: Time economy; Ease of use; Imagination is the main limitation. …

  • Differentiation: While other competitors (e.g. https://www.alpha3d.io) focus more on overall quality of models. We will use the “.obj” format. “.obj” file format is primarily used for 3d print models. Approximate as well as accurate surface geometry encoding is supported by this extension. The surface mesh is not restricted to triangular facets when approximate encoding is used. Polygons can be used as quadrilaterals if the artist desires. Smooth curves along with surfaces like NURBS are used during precise encoding. Both texture and color information can be encoded by this.

Lean Questionnaire #

Please answer the following questions related to the lean methodology:

  1. What problem or need does your software project address?
    The complexity of generation of 3D models for people with zero experience. The amount of routine operations that have to be performed to make “base” for the future 3D model.

  2. Who are your target users or customers?
    3D modelers in various fields. Primarily, game development and architecture (design).

  3. How will you validate and test your assumptions about the project?
    We will try to implement any feature that we think is useful for the project. After that we will access the performance by generating various 3D models.

  4. What metrics will you use to measure the success of your project?
    We will offer the trial version of our product to people who work with 3D models on a daily basis and collect useful feedback.

  5. How do you plan to iterate and pivot if necessary based on user feedback?
    Carefully access the performance and build (not necessary a pipeline) a special pipeline to provide the project with comfortable maintenance.

Leveraging AI, Open-Source, and Experts #

Our team will use various research papers and open-source models with datasets to build a high quality software.

Defining the Vision for Your Project #

  • Overview: Our main goal is to make high quality software that provides various 3D models to people with any experience in 3D modeling. We aim to leverage the problems of time saving and insufficient experience of users.

Graphical representation of the application:
Test picture

  • Tech Stack: Primary language for ML pipeline: Python Web application architecture: JS