Week #6

Week #6 #

This week, we focused on polishing and packaging our prototypes as it was mentioned in the plan. We had several tasks and bugs from the previous week and successfully resolved them. As the final presentation is soon, we make an effort to bring our project to perfection, listening to users’ feedback, optimize the search system, improve user interaction with the assistant-bot by adding interactive elements and improving bot’s communication skills, and generally polish the interface.

Progress report #

The team made progress on several key initiatives, including implementing payment functionality, Telegram mini-app, and addressing existing bugs.

Achievements: #

  • Payment Integration in the Telegram Bot: The team successfully implemented payment functionality within the Telegram bot, allowing users to seamlessly make payments for services directly through the bot. This feature is currently operational with test data and will be rolled out to real users once thorough testing is complete.
  • Telegram mini-app Development: The team embarked on the development of a Telegram mini-app, which will provide a more enhanced and user-friendly experience within the Telegram platform. We believe, this mini-app will streamline the booking process and offer additional features, further improving user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Bug Fixes and Enhancements: The team addressed several bugs and implemented minor enhancements to improve the overall user experience and system stability. One of them was the incorrect definition of IATA codes for cities’ and airports’ names, which was successfully resolved. These improvements focused on resolving issues reported by users’ feedback and optimizing performance.

Challenges Encountered #

  • Broken Hotel Search API: The team encountered a significant setback due to a malfunctioning hotel search API, which is an external dependency essential for the project’s core functionality. This issue is beyond the team’s control and has temporarily halted progress on certain aspects of the project.

Next Steps: #

  • Mini-app finalizing: Finish the mini-app development and get users’ feedback.
  • Trip widget: Update the bot with a new feature (trip widget) for better trip visualizing.
  • Feature Enhancements: Continue improving the recommendation quality and user interface.
  • Testing and Refinement: Ongoing rigorous testing to find and fix more bugs, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Presentation: Prepare for a final presentation of the product, create visual examples.