Week #5

Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

  • Feedback collection plan

The feedback collection plan for Semargl C2 involved gathering insights from a diverse group of users, primarily focusing on penetration testers and cybersecurity professionals. The plan included:

  1. Designing a comprehensive survey with a mix of single-choice, multiple-choice, and short text questions.
  2. Targeting participants from well-known cybersecurity platforms such as Standoff365 Cyberpolygon, HackTheBox, and TryHackMe.
  3. Ensuring the survey captured user experiences, ease of setup, preferences for graphical interfaces, and the perceived value of various features.
  4. Collecting feedback on potential improvements and additional features desired by users.
  • Conducted user surveys or feedback sessions

The survey was distributed to 20 participants from different backgrounds and levels of experience in cybersecurity. These participants included professionals and enthusiasts actively involved in platforms like HackTheBox, TryHackMe, and Standoff365 Cyberpolygon. The survey covered the following aspects:

  1. Overall experience with Semargl C2.
  2. Ease of setting up the Semargl C2 server.
  3. Preferences regarding the absence of a graphical interface.
  4. The most valuable features of Semargl C2.
  5. Desired additional features or improvements.
  6. Testing environments used.
  7. The importance of extending functionality with modules.
  8. Usefulness of MITRE ATT&CK integration in reports.
  9. Likelihood of recommending Semargl C2 to others.
  10. Additional comments and suggestions.
  • Analyzing feedback, identifying and prioritizing issues

The analysis of the collected feedback revealed several key insights:

  1. The majority of users rated their experience as “Good” or “Excellent,” with a few reporting “Average” or “Poor” experiences.
  2. Most users found the setup process to be “Easy” or “Very Easy,” though some reported it as “Neutral” or “Difficult.”
  3. There was a notable preference for a graphical interface, especially among beginners. While some users preferred using the terminal, many indicated that a GUI would make the tool more accessible.
  4. Users highlighted “Multi-Language Agents,” “Flexible Communication,” “Docker Support,” and “MITRE ATT&CK Integration” as the most valuable features.
  5. Feedback suggested the need for a graphical interface, better documentation, real-time monitoring, more language support, and enhanced reporting features.
  6. The tool was tested across various environments, with HackTheBox and TryHackMe being the most common, followed by personal labs and Standoff365 Cyberpolygon.
  7. Extending functionality with modules was deemed extremely important by most users, emphasizing the need for capabilities like hash dumping and sniffing.
  8. A majority of users indicated they would recommend Semargl C2 to others, though some were hesitant or would only recommend it conditionally.

Issues with priorities:

Roadmap: #

  • Initiate the design and development of the graphical interface.
  • Expand documentation and create comprehensive tutorials.
  • Implement basic real-time monitoring features.
  • Continue development and refinement of the GUI.
  • Add support for additional programming languages (e.g., Python, Java).
  • Enhance error handling and logging capabilities.
  • Integrate advanced automation features.
  • Conduct user testing for the new GUI and gather feedback.
  • Begin work on improved reporting and integration features.
  • Finalize and release the graphical interface.
  • Roll out expanded language and protocol support.
  • Implement additional security measures based on security audit findings.
  • Complete and launch the improved reporting features.
  • Ensure full integration with popular CI/CD tools and other cybersecurity tools.
  • Improve UI design based on user feedback and testing.
  • Conduct a comprehensive review and testing of all new features.
  • Prepare for the next major release of Semargl C2 with all enhancements.
  • Plan for future updates and feature expansions based on user feedback and market trends.

Our team did:

  • Conducted a detailed analysis of user feedback from the recent survey.
  • Designed initial wireframes and mockups for the graphical interface.
  • Began updating the documentation, focusing on expanding existing sections and drafting new tutorials.
  • Started implementing real-time monitoring features for network activities and agent status.
  • Developed a plan for integrating additional programming languages and protocols.

Challenges & Solutions #

Challenge 1: User Interface Design Complexity

  • Solution: We consulted with a UX/UI designer to create user-friendly wireframes and mockups, ensuring the GUI is intuitive and easy to navigate.

Challenge 2: Real-Time Monitoring Implementation

  • Solution: Our team researched and selected appropriate technologies and frameworks to support real-time data processing and display, ensuring seamless integration with the existing system.

Challenge 3: Expanding Documentation

  • Solution: We divided the documentation tasks among team members, each focusing on specific sections to ensure comprehensive coverage and timely completion. We also decided to create video tutorials to complement written guides.

Conclusions & Next Steps #


  • The feedback analysis highlighted key areas for improvement, particularly the need for a graphical interface and enhanced documentation.
  • Initial steps towards implementing the GUI and real-time monitoring features have been promising, with clear plans and designs in place.
  • Expanding documentation and tutorials is critical for user adoption and satisfaction.

Next Steps:

  • Continue developing the graphical interface, focusing on core functionalities and user experience.
  • Progress with the implementation of real-time monitoring features and integrate them into the existing system.
  • Complete the first draft of the expanded documentation and tutorials, ready for review and feedback.
  • Begin work on adding support for additional programming languages and protocols, ensuring they integrate smoothly with the current setup.
  • Plan user testing sessions for the new features and gather further feedback to guide ongoing development efforts.