
Week #3 #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

Technical Infrastructure: The most critical and challenging parts of our project have been completed. We now have a functional code for hand position detection in space, essential for sign language recognition. Additionally, we have developed 3D hand models that mimic your movements in the camera, which is necessary for displaying hands in the game. This week, we also finished generating words based on a specified number of characters, which is crucial for creating game orders. With these main components ready, we can start integrating them into a cohesive whole. Therefore, we have also commenced the development of characters, their appearances, dialogues, and the storyline.

Backend Development: As mentioned above, all major elements of the project have been completed. In addition to the technical details, we have started developing the game environment. We are now prepared to gradually integrate all parts of the game into a unified system.

Frontend Development: It is still too early to begin designing the game interface. At present, we are focusing on developing the core gameplay. As we progress, we will add the necessary interface elements. In addition to the user interface, this section includes the visual appearance of the game environment and characters. We have already completed a significant portion of these aspects. The characters are being designed, and the basic environment is created.

Data Management: It is premature to implement game save functionality or user data storage. Essentially, these are the only elements we need to save in the game’s database, as dialogues will be scripted, and incoming orders will be autonomously generated.

Prototype Testing: At this stage, we do not have a complete game prototype, but we have a fairly stable prototype of the hand-tracking system, which is already being integrated into the game’s action scene.

For testing, we plan to involve the entire team, as well as our friends and acquaintances, to gather a wide range of feedback. This approach will allow us to gain insights from different perspectives, including those of non-technical users. Additionally, we will seek feedback from individuals with programming expertise to get more technical and detailed evaluations. This combination of diverse inputs will help us identify and address potential issues, ensuring the robustness and reliability of our hand-tracking system before proceeding further with the game development.

Weekly Progress Report: #

This week, our team made significant strides in our project. We successfully identified and gathered the articles necessary for our ongoing work, and commenced the integration of AI into the code for orders generation. Additionally, we created several non-playable characters along with their potential dialogues.

Challenges & Solutions One notable challenge we faced was that one of our team members was unable to work on a laptop due to technical issues (lesson learned: avoid disassembling laptops during active projects). Furthermore, part of our team was preoccupied with preparations for a mutual friend’s wedding. Despite these setbacks, the team remained resilient and managed to stay on track with our goals.

Conclusions & Next Steps Looking ahead to next week, our focus will be on finalizing all the characters and their dialogues. We aim to complete the AI integration for the narrative component and begin the process of integrating our work into Unity. The team is determined to maintain our momentum and ensure the successful completion of these tasks.