
Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

Feedback Collection Plan #

To ensure we gather comprehensive feedback on our product, we have devised the following plan:

  1. Identify Stakeholders: Target stakeholders include potential clients, users, and students.
  2. Schedule Meetings: Arrange one-on-one and group feedback sessions.
  3. Prepare Questions: Develop a set of specific questions focused on usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction.
  4. Standardized Feedback Collection: Use online forms and charts for quantitative assessments alongside qualitative feedback from interviews.
  5. Feedback Sessions: Conduct both individual and group feedback sessions to gain in-depth insights.

Conducted User Surveys or Feedback Sessions #

We realized that to get feedback from our prototype at the moment, it is enough for us to show a recording of how our game is organized (the first level), as well as explain the meaning of the game, the possibility of interaction with the interface, and so on. In individual meetings to receive feedback, we can give our friends the opportunity to try to interact with our prototype themselves to get more detailed feedback.

Analyzing Feedback, Identifying and Prioritizing Issues #

We analyzed the collected feedback to identify common themes and issues:

  1. Usability: Users appreciated the hand tracking system but suggested improvements for accuracy and responsiveness.
  2. User Interface: Feedback indicated that the interface could be more intuitive and visually appealing.
  3. Game Functionality: Some features were well-received, while others required refinement or additional development.
  4. Overall Experience: Positive responses to the storyline and dialogues. Our friends also liked the soundtrack and the voice of the characters.

Roadmap #

Based on the feedback we received, we decided to make different background music for each character when they appear, as well as different tones of voices, so that the gameplay is more interesting. We will also need to improve hand stability, as well as address errors when a person exits the camera.

Weekly Progress Report #

This week our team has been working on the UX/UI design of the game. At the moment, you can see huge progress in the visual and sound design of the game. All non-player characters and their dialogues and stories are also ready. Work is continuing on connecting the second smoker to the game and configuring ports for data transmission and processing. Here you can see our illustrations of characters in a game: game1.png

Challenges & Solutions #

Our main problems at the moment are that most of our team will be busy for half of the next week retaking one subject, as well as several team members who acted very irrationally and left for another city for a day. But despite these problems, we still set ourselves a plan for the next week and will fully implement it.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

Next week we will finalize the appearance of the characters, we will have a word generator ready, divided into levels, and both hands will be connected.