
Important Information!
Please be aware that all current and updated information will be available on this website. It is crucial to refer to this website regularly to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

If you have any questions or concerns about the information provided here, please contact us for clarification through the course Telegram channel.

What this project is about? #

The Capstone project #

This is a unique opportunity for you to collaborate with a team of talented individuals and bring your ideas to life. The goal is to build a tech product that showcases your creativity, problem-solving abilities, and technical expertise. The project also aims to further develop your soft skill and practice effective communication to achieve a shared group vision. You will be tasked to develop a project vision, decompose it into smaller subparts and execute on the predefined plan.

Team Formation #

To kickstart this project, you will form a team consisting of either 5 or 7 individuals. Collaborating with diverse perspectives and skill sets will enrich your project and contribute to its success. Choose your team members wisely and ensure a balance of complementary talents.

Project Scope and Tiers #

Your project should be loosely defined within three tiers: WEB, MOBILE, or ML (Machine Learning). This classification will help you focus your efforts and align your project’s goals with the chosen tier. You will have the opportunity to explore and apply cutting-edge technologies specific to your selected tier. You can collaborate with other teams to build complementary projects - i.e, one group is doing WEB, other team MOBILE and third works on ML and backend.

Embracing AI #

We strongly encourage you to explicitly incorporate AI into your project. Currently there are thousands of open-source AI models that can be properly used to solve some hard problems. Aim to plan, utilize, and build using AI technologies. By harnessing the power of AI, you can enhance the functionality and user experience of your tech product. Be innovative and think of unique ways to leverage AI in your project.

Leveraging Open-Source #

Open-source resources are invaluable for your project’s success. You are encouraged to use and to contribute to open-source technologies and frameworks. Accelerate your development process and tap into the vast knowledge and support of the open-source community. Remember, we value your ability to utilize open-source effectively.

Engaging Experts #

Take advantage of every opportunity to seek guidance and assistance from experts in relevant domains. University is properly positioned to provide you and your team with valuable insights, mentorship, and help you navigate through technical challenges. Don’t hesitate to reach out, as this can contribute to the success of your project.

Build With a Vision: #

Aim to develop a project with the potential to evolve into a fully-fledged product after the Capstone project. Choose the project that you think will be feasible to work on after the course will end. The Capstone project aims to give you the initial momentum, that can be carried further. Once the prototype is ready - you and your team can iteratively improve, reaching a level of the finished product.

Project Evaluation #

Your project will be evaluated solely on its merit and functionality. We will focus on whether your solution effectively solves the stated problem and if all the features are fully operational. Demonstrating a well-executed and functional tech product will be the key to achieving a good grade in this Capstone project.

Below, you can find a PDF explaining project goals, deliverables and grading scheme:

    / [pdf]

If you have any questions, please, contacts us in telegram.

Best regards,

The Capstone Project Team