Week #4

Week #4 Report #


Todo list of required parts to ensure that nothing missed
  • External Feedback
    • Share a prototype with a group of people and collect their feedback
    • Document the feedback received for future refinements and iterations
    • Consider scope changes and redefine aspects of the project based on feedback
  • Testing and narrowing the scope(prioritize prototype over testing on initial stages)
    • Evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of the prototype/application through testing
    • Gather insights into the user experience and identify areas for improvement
    • Address any issues or bugs discovered during testing
    • Narrow down the scope of the project (focusing on the core features of the project).
  • Iteration and refinement
    • Regularly assess project progress against initial goals and objectives
    • Eliminate mistakes(if any) by utilizing the iterative approach during the early stages of the project

During Week 4 of our Capstone Project, we focused on gathering feedback and conducting testing to improve our app. Here is a summary of our progress:

External Feedback #

To gather feedback, we asked a group of our friends to test our app. Overall, they liked the app and found it promising. However, one consistent feedback point was that the visual user interface (UI) looks “like a skelet”. But overall UX ideas were enjoyed. So, aggregated recommendations from the test group are: add customization from swipe directions in app and plan to setup beauty.

We highly value this feedback as it highlights an area for improvements and we are really satisfied that key concept is valuable. During next week we plan integrate settings for swipes and to focus on refining the UI/UX to enhance the user experience and ensure that our app is both functional and visually appealing.

Testing and Narrowing The Scope #

We conducted testing on two main components of our project:

  • Flutter front-end part Feedback showed that main idea has potential and our initial direction was correct enough. Also, we get suggestion feature called mandatory for project being. We agreed with testers, so soon enough we are going to implement it.
  • The APIs services on the backend. Additionally, we rigorously tested our APIs on the backend to ensure their reliability and proper communication between them and client part. Testing allowed us to address any bugs or glitches and make the necessary adjustments for a smoother user experience.

Iteration and refinement #

Taking into account the feedback we received and the results of our testing, we have decided to prioritize swipe cusomization and improving the visual UI of our app. We will work on refining the design elements, theme, and overall aesthetics to make it more user-friendly and visually pleasing. Our iterative approach allows us to incorporate feedback and continuously enhance our app, ensuring that it meets the expectations and needs of our target users.

In conclusion, Week 4 was dedicated to gathering external feedback and conducting testing on our app. We received positive feedback from our colleagues and tested both the front-end and backend components. This allowed us to identify areas for improvement and iterate on our app to enhance its usability and functionality. We remain committed to delivering a high-quality product and will continue to incorporate feedback and conduct thorough testing in the upcoming weeks.


External Feedback
Good, you did feedback? Is there any proof to what you said? You should have showed the feedback here. And write what will you do regarding this feedback. Since in the report you didn’t show any real feedback form real users. It hard to say wether you are making changes by yourself or based on a feedback.

Ok you you made testing, where is the proof?

Please show proof of what you are saying that you were doing. Because words without evidence is just words.

So you decided to change your project, just because of one feedback!!!!!

This design should be made on a more stronger basis rather than 1 feedback form other students.

Also you didn’t mention an iteration plan: An iteration plan is essentially the plan for an upcoming iteration. It would typically outline:

  • The goals and objectives for the iteration: what the team aims to achieve.
  • The features to be developed.
  • The tasks needed to develop these features. This might include coding, testing, design tasks, etc.
  • Any assumptions or dependencies.
  • A timeline for the iteration.

The report is ok. your report doesn’t reflect your work. Think you should spent more time reflecting / writing the report.

Grade: 3/5

Feedback by Moofiy