Week #5

Week #5 Report #


  • Schedule meetings or interviews with relevant stakeholders, such as potential clients, users, or fellow students, to collect feedback on the current product version. Remember, goal fo the week to have a broader feedback and better refinement.
  • Prepare a feedback collection plan, including the specific questions or areas of focus to gather feedback on. Consider using an algorithmic ways to collect standardized feedback (online forms or online charts where users can quantitatively assess your product or its features) in addition to one on one meetings.
  • Conduct user surveys or feedback sessions to gather input on the product’s usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction.
  • Document feedback received from stakeholders, ensuring clear identification of specific areas of improvement or enhancement.
  • Analyze the feedback collected to identify common themes, patterns, or recurring issues.
  • Prioritize the feedback based on its impact and feasibility of implementation.
  • For those who are willing to continue their projects after Capstone - discuss and refine the product roadmap based on the feedback and identified improvements. This can include feature addition plan for the next months or even a year. Time flies fast, and having a thoroughly refined plan is always better than just development on your feel about the product.
  • Implement necessary changes or enhancements to the product based on the feedback received, following the project’s development process.

Feedback collection plan #

Our survey was aimed at researching the product’s usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction.

We have prepared the following outline of questions:

  • How much time do you spend processing GTD inbox per day?
  • On what device do you prefer to process the inbox?
  • How comfortable and quick is it to processing the inbox?
  • If there was an option to do a inbox processing on the go, on the bus, etc., would you take advantage of it?
  • Are there situations where the processing is skipped because there is no access to a pc or laptop?
  • What system do you use to maintain GTD?
  • Imagine the most convenient, fastest, most efficient way for you to process inbox sorting on a mobile device. Describe what you have imagined
  • Have you found an app created specifically for GTD?
  • Selection mechanics like tinder - is that convenient for you?
  • If similar mechanics will be used for GTD inbox processing - how convenient is it for you? (the number of directions and their order can be changed)
  • How comfortable (after getting used to it quickly) do you find the swipe mechanics?

Conducting a survey #

In order to collect and analyze the information we used Google Forms and Google Sheets. We decided to choose a group of people who are successfully using GTD-like systems and thus conducted a survey among ones who took a course on learning how to implement it into their lives. The choice of such a group was primarily based on the target auditory of our app.


Feedback analysis #

Here are some of the results on questions we’ve asked:

And got the following insights about the majority of users:

  • Spend a lot of time processing their inbox (more than 15 minutes)
  • Use their PC as primary device for that
  • It is quite uncomfortable to process inbox using phone
  • Sometimes inbox processing is skipped to to lack of computer
  • Did not find any perfect app suitable for such systems
  • Would like to try using our app and the idea seems interesting
  • Swipes seem like a reasonable way to process inbox

Roadmap refinement #

As the idea of the project popped up a long time ago and we developed it gradually there are no major changes in our roadmap and we are impressed that our potential users gave very positive feedback.


Collecting and documenting feedback

Feedback analysis
Analysis is what you have learned from the feedback, and how will this feedback impact your project

I think this part is missing

Roadmap and enhancement

Grade: 4/5

Feedback by Moofiy