Week #5

Week #5 #

Feedback Collection Plan #

Stakeholder Identification #

  • Tourists: Regular travelers who use tourism apps for planning trips.
  • Travel Agencies: Professionals who recommend apps to clients.
  • Local Tourism Boards: Stakeholders interested in promoting local attractions.

Theoretical Questions for Stakeholder Meetings #


  • How do you usually plan your trips, and what role do mobile apps play in your planning process?
  • What features do you find most valuable in a tourism app, and why?
  • Can you recall a recent experience where a tourism app exceeded or fell short of your expectations?

Travel Agencies:

  • How do you assist clients in selecting tourism apps for their travel needs?
  • What features do your clients typically look for in a tourism app?
  • How important is integration with local attractions and cultural information for your clients?

Local Tourism Boards:

  • How do you currently collaborate with mobile apps to promote local attractions?
  • What types of features or functionalities would you like to see in a tourism app to better serve your region?
  • How do you measure the success of tourism apps in promoting local destinations?

Feedback Collection Methods #

  • One-on-One Interviews: Schedule meetings with representatives from each stakeholder group to discuss these questions in depth.
  • Online Surveys: Develop an online form incorporating these questions and distribute it to a broader audience through social media, email newsletters, and within the app itself.
  • Focus Groups: Organize small groups of users to discuss their experiences collectively, encouraging interaction and deeper insights.

Implementation and Analysis (names invented for privacy purposes) #

Interview with Tourist - Ivan Ivanov

Date: July 3, 2024

Participant: Ivan Ivanov, Regular Traveler


  • Ivan typically plans his trips independently, using tourism apps to find attractions and routes.
  • He highly values app features that allow filtering attractions by criteria such as historical sites and natural landmarks.
  • Accuracy of attraction information and map precision are crucial to him to avoid wasting time on finding locations.
Interview with Travel Agency Manager - Elena Petrova

Date: July 5, 2024

Participant: Elena Petrova, Manager at “Traveler” Travel Agency


  • Elena mentioned that their clients expect tourism apps to be user-friendly and provide comprehensive information about local attractions to enhance travel experiences.
  • Key features include quick attraction discovery, itinerary planning, and the ability to save and share travel plans with clients.
  • Integration with local attractions and cultural heritage is also essential for their agency’s app selection.
Interview with Local Tourism Board Representative - Andrei Smirnov

Date: July 5, 2024

Participant: Andrei Smirnov, Representative of City Tourist Information Center


  • Andrei emphasized the importance of collaboration with apps to promote local attractions and facilitate access to cultural events and regional highlights.
  • He expressed interest in features that could attract more tourists by showcasing unique aspects of the city or region through interactive maps and descriptions.
  • Accessibility and accuracy of information within the app are crucial for successful collaboration.

Analysis of Feedback #

  • Common Themes:

    • High appreciation for attraction filtering and discovery features.
    • Requests for improved map accuracy and updated attraction information.
    • Importance of integrating with local tourism bodies and cultural heritage.
  • Priorities for Improvement:

    • Enhancing map interface and implementing a mechanism for timely information updates.
    • Developing new features to enhance integration with local tourism bodies.

Development and Planning #

  • Changes and Enhancements:

    • Roadmap to improve map accuracy and information update mechanisms.
    • Feature development plan to strengthen integration with local tourism bodies.
  • Timeline: Defining a timeline based on feedback and project goals for implementing changes and enhancements.

This structured approach will help systematically utilize feedback from stakeholders to improve and advance your tourism application.

Roadmap Based on Feedback #