Week #5

Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

  • Feedback collection plan

    • Conducted online surveys targeting early adopters and potential users.
    • Organized virtual feedback sessions with stakeholders to gather in-depth insights.
  • Conducted user surveys or feedback sessions

    • Completed 50+ user surveys and 5 virtual feedback sessions.
    • Collected qualitative feedback through one-on-one interviews with project creators.
  • Analyzing feedback, identifying and prioritizing issues

    • Analyzed survey results to identify common themes and pain points.
    • Prioritized issues based on user impact and frequency, focusing on UI/UX improvements and feature enhancements.

Roadmap #

  • Completed user dashboard and campaign management features on the frontend.
  • Implemented advanced analytics and reporting features for project creators.
  • Began extensive user testing to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimized the performance of smart contracts and conducted initial security audits.
  • Refined UI/UX based on initial feedback to enhance user experience.

Weekly Progress Report #

Our team accomplished the following tasks this week:

  • Frontend: Finalized the user dashboard, campaign management features, and UI/UX refinements.
  • Backend: Implemented advanced analytics and reporting features.
  • Smart Contracts: Conducted initial security audits and optimized performance.
  • User Testing: Initiated extensive user testing to gather feedback for further improvements.

Challenges & Solutions #

  • Challenge: Addressing UI/UX issues highlighted by user feedback.

    • Solution: Engaged with a UI/UX specialist to refine the design based on feedback and best practices.
  • Challenge: Ensuring the robustness of smart contracts under various scenarios.

    • Solution: Conducted comprehensive testing and engaged third-party auditors for security reviews.
  • Challenge: Handling the volume of user feedback efficiently.

    • Solution: Implemented a feedback management system to categorize and prioritize user inputs systematically.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

This week, we made significant strides in both frontend and backend development, focusing on enhancing the user experience and ensuring the security and performance of our platform. Moving forward, we will:

  • Continue refining the UI/UX based on ongoing feedback.
  • Complete the security audits and implement recommended changes.
  • Develop and integrate additional features based on user requests.
  • Maintain an agile approach to address issues and incorporate improvements promptly.

Overall, our team is committed to delivering a robust, user-friendly platform that meets the needs of our users and stakeholders. We will continue to iterate and enhance the platform based on feedback and testing results.