
Progress report / Week 6 #

Presentation: #

Presentation can be found here

Weekly Progress Report: #

This week, our team made considerable progress on several fronts.

We developed the initial version of the final presentation, which, while still a work in progress, provides a solid foundation that we plan to refine and enhance further.

Alongside this, we dedicated substantial efforts to advancing our application for both Android and iOS platforms. Our focus was on implementing the features that were defined based on the insights gathered from last week’s comprehensive survey and the subsequent analysis of the results. These new features are expected to significantly enhance the user experience and functionality of the app, bringing us closer to our ultimate goal.

The team’s dedication and hard work have been instrumental in reaching these milestones, and we are excited about the positive impact these updates will have on our project.

Challenges & Solutions #

The main challenge we faced this week was time management. As the semester draws to a close, we are inundated with finals, assignments, and presentations, all demanding our attention. Balancing these academic responsibilities while managing our ongoing project tasks has proven to be quite difficult. We are striving to allocate our time effectively to ensure that we meet all deadlines and successfully complete our courses. To achieve this, we implemented a strategic approach:

  • Prioritization: Ranked tasks based on deadlines and importance.
  • Detailed Scheduling: Allocated specific time blocks for studying, project work, and rest.
  • Collaborative Tools: Enhanced communication and coordination.
  • Daily Goals: Set clear, achievable objectives for each day.

Despite the pressure, we remain committed to achieving our academic and project goals, leveraging teamwork and effective communication to navigate this busy period.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

As we near the end of the semester and complete our work on the MVP, we have drawn several important conclusions:

  • Teamwork and Effective Communication: These are crucial for success, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.
  • Time Management: Effective scheduling and prioritization are invaluable in balancing multiple responsibilities.
  • Task Division: Breaking tasks into smaller parts helps achieve the main goal and maintain motivation, as completing each task brings a sense of accomplishment.