Week #5

Capstone Project


Team GymGuru


Week 5 - Stakeholders feedback, Completion of the main functionality implementation #

Week’s focus and importance #

    This week, we have prioritized obtaining more comprehensive feedback and improving our process. This is essential because we require independent reviews from external parties to identify potential challenges and plan for the future. To achieve this, we formulated specific queries and created an online survey. Additionally, we continued integrating our initial project ideas that we had not completed last week due to time constraints.

Feedback from TA #

    During the meeting with TA on the previous week we discusted our Week4 report and presented what we did so far for the project itself. This is a list of main points that we received from the feedback:

  1. We correctly understood the obligatory tasks of Week 4 and did it without any mistakes;

  2. Format of the GitHub backlog which we adhere to is correct and represnts all needed stages, properties of tasks and iterations.

Stakeholders Feedback #

Users Feedback: #

    During this week we have conducted a new survey. Our focus group was those, who we have asked during the last week and also we found some new respondents.     Speaking about convinience of the interface, most of intwerviewees evaluated it with a high grade, so we can conclude that UX/UI design is user-friendly. We have added recognition for all exercices.     Moreover, we made some new features, such as fitness test conducting. Because of that, our service became more usefull for users and our survey participants underlined it, in comparisson with the last week this criterian grade became higher. Based on the last week feedback, we have improved the design, unfortunately, some of the interviewees still are not fully satisfied with the design, but the majority considered our site as a good-looking, which is a better result, than in the last week. Furthermore, most of the respondents estimated the idea of the product itself. Also, several survey participants considered a design as not an advantage of our project.

    We analyzed the feedback from the previous week (since it was a feedback from the IU students who are the stakeholders of GymGuru product) and this week. New feedback was taken using Google Forms. There are several results from the survey of this week:

Expert Feedback: #

    We decided to ask an expert in sport to give the professional feedback on our web application. We asked Yana Bogdanovisch, sport coach of the Innopolis University, and received her feedback regarding the web site in general, idea of the product, and also about the exercise correctness recognition. This is her feedback that we will take into account during project completion stage on the next week:

  • It is a very necessary application for those who do not have the opportunity to train with a personal trainer, but want to do the exercises correctly.
  • It is really useful that there is a video in which the technique of performing the exercise is shown from different angles.
  • I consider the voice assistant that tells you what to fix if not performed correctly a vital feature.
  • There are still minor flaws when the program still considers a repeat with the wrong technique.
  • I tried to sit down correctly when my knees are facing towards the feet and not correctly pushing my knees inwards and so on several times.
  • It was the same with lifting dumbbells on the biceps. I did it right when my elbows were pressed against the body and tried to do it from the side when my elbows were far from the body. Perhaps a large correction is needed for a particular exercise.
  • In general, the program is very useful for learning the techniques of basic exercises.

Roadmap for further development and maintaining #

    For now, we are not fully sure, will we continue the development and/or maintaining process of GymGuru process outside of the Capstone Project course. Nevertheless, we defined the roadmap of the future development process:

Challenges & Solutions #

    This week we had a number of difficulties:

  1. Last week’s feedback from the team revealed a problem with recognizing the position of the hands relative to the floor and legs (a person reaches with his fingers, fist or full palm to the floor). We solved it by integrating the MediaPipe ML tool in addition to MoveNet, and adding MediaPipe precise detectors for the hands and full body. This allowed us to increase a correctness of exercise recognition.

  2. There was also a problem with feedback from an expert in this field (a sports coach), since most coaches are on vacation. Finally, by the end of this week, Yana Bogdanovich (Innopolis sport coach) found the time to test our web application and give professional feedback.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

    This week, we completed the implementation of the fitness testing, as well as gathering more standardized user feedback. Also, we fixed several bugs and refined some UI aspects, such as logo and functionality that shows the camera loading process. For the next week, we defined the following steps and tasks:

  1. Continue to analyze and act on users and experts feedback;

  2. Test once again all parts of our web application to finalize the working process;

  3. Prepare a final presentation of our product.