Week #4

Week #4 #

External Feedback #

We began gathering feedback from our peers and fellow students on our initial prototype. The feedback focused on the game’s usability, the effectiveness of gesture recognition, and the overall user experience. This feedback is crucial for identifying areas for improvement and ensuring our game meets user expectations.

Testing #

We conducted preliminary testing of our prototype to evaluate the game’s mechanics, gesture recognition accuracy, and overall performance. This involved testing different gestures, interactions between elementals, and the game’s response to various inputs. Our testing revealed several areas for improvement, such as refining gesture detection and enhancing the responsiveness of the game controls.

Iteration #

Based on the feedback and testing results, we made several iterations to our prototype. This involved refining the gesture recognition model, improving the user interface for better usability, and adjusting game mechanics to enhance the player experience. We focused on creating a more intuitive and responsive game environment.

Progress reports #

Project Focus & Approach #

This week, we focused on building the base game mechanics and integrating gesture-based controls. Our objective was to implement the core functionalities and interactions between different elements and skills, which are essential for our game’s fighting mechanics.

Project Goal and Relevance #

  • Goal: Develop a gesture-based fighting game with magical elements using Unity, TensorFlow, and Mediapipe.
  • Relevance: This project leverages affordable technology to create a novel gaming experience accessible to a broad audience.

Specific Focus of the Week #

  • Objective: Build the base game mechanics, define elementals and skills, and integrate gesture recognition.
  • Importance: Establishing these core functionalities is crucial for developing a playable and engaging prototype.

Methods, Tools, and Approaches #

  • Tools: Unity for game development, TensorFlow and Mediapipe for gesture recognition.
  • Approaches: Iterative development, user feedback collection, and preliminary testing to refine game mechanics and gesture controls.

Justification of Choices #

  • Unity: Chosen for its robust game development capabilities and ease of use.
  • TensorFlow and Mediapipe: Selected for their powerful machine learning and real-time gesture recognition capabilities.

Results & Analysis #

Findings or Outcomes #

  • Base Game Mechanics: Implemented interactions between four elementals (fire, water, earth, lightning) and three types of skills (directed attack, defense, targeted attack).
  • Dependencies and Interactions: Defined how each attack interacts with each defense.
  • Game Pipeline: Established the game pipeline from menu navigation to finding opponents and fighting matches.
  • Data Collection Tool: Built a tool for data collection and labeling for training the gesture recognition model.
  • Gesture List and Mapping: Selected gestures for the game and mapped gesture combinations to skills and controls.
  • Assets: Completed the asset set for fire skills and partially for other elementals.

Analysis of Results #

  • Core Interactions: The interactions between elementals and skills function as intended, providing a solid foundation for gameplay.
  • Gesture Recognition: Initial testing shows promising results, but further refinement is needed to improve accuracy and responsiveness.
  • User Experience: Feedback indicated the need for a more intuitive user interface and smoother gesture control integration.

Implications for the Project #

  • Gameplay: The established mechanics and interactions will support further development of game features.
  • User Engagement: Refining gesture recognition and user interface will enhance the overall player experience.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

Key Takeaways #

  • Successfully implemented core game mechanics and interactions.
  • Built foundational tools and assets for further development.
  • Identified areas for improvement based on user feedback and testing.

Next Steps #

  • Data Collection and Model Training: Continue collecting data and training the gesture recognition model.
  • Asset Refinement: Complete the asset sets for all elementals.
  • Gameplay Enhancement: Refine the base gameplay mechanics and improve the multiplayer experience.
  • User Interface Improvements: Enhance the user interface for better usability and responsiveness.

Challenges & Solutions #

Challenges #

  • Gesture Recognition Accuracy: Achieving high accuracy in recognizing and interpreting gestures.
  • User Interface Usability: Ensuring the user interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Data Collection: Efficiently collecting and labeling data for training the model.

Solutions #

  • Gesture Recognition: Conducted research on best practices and applied them to improve model accuracy.
  • User Interface: Collected user feedback and made iterative improvements to the UI design.
  • Data Collection: Developed a convenient tool for efficient data collection and labeling.

Lessons Learned #

  • Iterative development and user feedback are crucial for refining features and improving the overall product.
  • Continuous testing helps identify and address issues early in the development process.

By focusing on these areas, we aim to refine our prototype and ensure it meets the goals and expectations outlined in our project plan.