Week #1

Week #1 #

Team Formation and Project Proposal #

Team Members #

Team MemberTelegram IDEmail Address
Vlad Bolshakov@whatis_lavv.bolshakov@innopolis.university
Dmitriy Okoneshnikov@okonesh_dmitriyd.okoneshnikov@innopolis.university
Darya Koncheva@darrpyyd.koncheva@innopolis.university
Sofia Bakina@baki_sofias.bakina@innopolis.university
Azamat Bayramov@azamatbayramova.bayramov@innopolis.university
Anna Rylova@aaanoria.rylova@innopolis.university
Sofya Ivanova@s0nyaivs.ivanova@innopolis.university

Value Proposition #

  • Identify the Problem:

    The traditional process of coordinating and overseeing offline team-building activities presents several inefficiencies and challenges. These activities rely on paper tags and manual tracking, which becomes particularly cumbersome when managing games for large groups, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of up-to-date information about the game’s status. This problem creates a significant bottleneck in the organization and management of offline games, especially during events such as University boot camp.

  • Solution Description:

    Our web application transforms the organization and management of offline games by providing a digital platform for efficient coordination. With key features such as game creation, participant tracking, and real-time updates, our platform aims to address the problems related to manual processes and paper waste. By transitioning into the digital realm, our solution streamlines game management while still fostering an interactive and engaging environment for all participants. This emphasis on digital transformation and real-world interaction sets our platform apart from existing alternatives.

  • Benefits to Users:

    • Efficiency and Convenience: The application streamlines the entire process of organizing, tracking, and managing offline games, reducing the hassle of manual organization and making the process more efficient and convenient.
    • Real-time Updates: Users can access real-time updates about the game’s progress, keeping everyone involved and enhancing the gaming experience.
    • Customizability: Game organizers can customize game settings according to their needs, allowing for a more personalized and controlled gaming experience.
    • Visibility and Fair Play: Participant tracking and game statistics are visible to all, promoting transparency and fair play.
    • Accessibility: As a web application, it’s accessible from various devices with internet access, allowing users to check updates, communicate, or manage games from anywhere.
    • Cost-Saving: Using a web application to manage offline games, we eliminate the need for paper, pens, and other stationery required to run games in the standard way.
  • Differentiation:

    What sets our project apart is its focus on real-world interaction and seamless integration of digital tools to enhance the gaming experience. Unlike existing solutions that may solely focus on digital gaming or lack comprehensive control features, our platform uniquely combines the convenience of digital technology with the fun of physical gameplay, making it the top choice for users looking for an innovative and comprehensive solution for managing offline games.

  • User Impact:

    Our service significantly simplifies the management of traditional team-building games, leading to greater participant engagement, reduced administrative costs, and an overall more enjoyable experience for the organizers and participants. By providing a seamless transition to digital platforms for game coordination, our solution enhances the effectiveness of offline games, fosters a more interactive environment, and promotes fair play and transparency.

  • Use Cases:

CaseGame creation
PreconditionThe organizer has opened and logged into the web application
Guarantees of successThe game has been successfully created and is available to participants
Main scenario1. The organizer starts to create a game for all the people who are interested in joining in
2. The organizer chooses a game
3. The organizer customizes the game settings: adjust the number of people, duration, etc.
4. The game has been created and is waiting for participants to connect
5. The organizer shares a link / QR code for participation
Alternative scenario1.1 The organizer creates a group of people for the game
1.2 The organizer chooses a game
1.3 The organizer customizes the game settings: adjust the number of people, duration, etc.
1.4 The game has been created and is waiting for participants of the group to connect
CaseConducting the game
PreconditionThe organizer created a game and participants joined it
Guarantees of successThe game was successfully played without any problems with the application and in accordance with the rules of the game
Main scenario1. The organizer starts the game by pressing start button
2. Web application manages the game according to the rules
3. The organizer monitors the participants, statistics and progress during the game in the web application
4. The web application successfully completes the game and displays statistics on its outcome
Alternative scenario4.1 The web application or the organizer detects a participant’s cheating and kicks him out of the game
4.2 The web application successfully completes the game and displays statistics on its outcome
ExtensionThe organizer saves the settings of the held game in the web application in order not to set it up again at the next game
CaseParticipation in the game
PreconditionThe participant has opened and logged into the web application
Guarantees of successThe game was successfully played without any problems with the application and in accordance with the rules of the game
Main scenario1. The participant joins the game by the link / QR code shared by the organizer
2. The participant plays the game with supervision by a web application
3. The web application successfully completes the game and displays statistics on its outcome
Alternative scenario1.1 A participant joins the game group
1.2 The participant chooses a game available for registration among the games launched in the group by popularity and number of players
1.3 A participant joins the selected game by pressing the corresponding button
1.4 A participant plays the game with supervision by a web application
1.5 The web application successfully completes the game and displays statistics on its outcome

Lean Questionnaire #

Please answer the following questions related to the lean methodology:

  1. What problem or need does your software project address?

    We aim to address the inefficiency and manual burden associated with organizing and managing offline games (e.g., Killer, Yes/No Riddles), making the process easier and more enjoyable for organizers and participants.

  2. Who are your target users or customers?

    Our target users include:

    • Players:
      • University Students: New students looking to meet peers and integrate into university life.
      • Company Employees: Workers aiming to improve team interaction and spirit.
    • Organizers:
      • Universities: Administrators and student clubs organize extracurricular activities.
      • Companies: HR professionals and corporate trainers conducting team-building events.

    Our service simplifies game organization for these groups, fostering team spirit and enhancing participant interaction.

  3. How will you validate and test your assumptions about the project?

    We will validate our assumptions through testing with real users in small game events, gathering feedback through surveys, and direct interaction. Key metrics will include user satisfaction, simplicity of use, and level of engagement.

  4. What metrics will you use to measure the success of your project?

    We will measure the success of our project through the following metrics:

    • Number of game events organized using the platform.
    • User satisfaction and feedback gathered through surveys and direct interaction.
    • Engagement metrics such as user activity and retention on the platform.
    • Cost savings and efficiency improvements for the organizers.
  5. How do you plan to iterate and pivot if necessary based on user feedback?

    We aim to set up a mechanism to collect responses from our users. Based on the feedback received, we plan to iterate and pivot as necessary to enhance the user experience. We will prioritize feature upgrades and bug fixes and possibly explore new game types or functionality.

Leveraging AI, Open-Source, and Experts #

AI (Artificial Intelligence) #

Our team plans to use artificial intelligence technologies to improve user experience and optimize processes in the web application. By incorporating artificial intelligence, we aim to offer chat moderation in the Public Chat game, provide a game master for puzzles in Yes/No Puzzles, and implement personalized recommendations for players. The addition of this tool will result in a more personalized and engaging experience for organizers and participants.

Open-Source #

We intend to leverage open-source resources like FastAPI, MongoDB, Aiogram, and React to access collaborative tools, frameworks, and libraries. This approach will allow us to tap into existing technologies and community support and promote transparency and flexibility in our development process. By utilizing those technologies, we can accelerate development, ensure security, and maintain a cost-effective approach. Additionally, it enables our team to contribute to the community by possibly giving back improvements or new tools that we may develop during the project.

Experts in relevant domains #

Our team recognizes the importance of collaborating with experts in UX/UI design and event management. By engaging with professionals in these fields in room 319, we aim to gain valuable insights, refine our project strategy, and ensure that our solution aligns with industry best practices. Their expertise will be instrumental in developing an innovative and impactful platform that effectively addresses the needs of our target users.

Defining the Vision for Your Project #

  • Overview:

    Our project aims to revolutionize the coordination and management of offline team-building games through a comprehensive web application. We’re transitioning traditional offline games to a digital platform to address inefficiencies and challenges in manual processes and paper waste. Our solution offers seamless game creation, participant tracking, real-time updates, and personalized settings, promoting transparency, fair play, and enhanced engagement.

  • Schematic Drawings:

    img1 Selecting a game from the list (e.g. Public Chat game)

    img2 Game customization

    img3 Participants joining the game (e.g. by QR code)

    img4 Process of the game

    img5 When the game is over, the player statistics are displayed

  • Tech Stack:
    Backend Tech Stack: Python, FastAPI, Aiogram, MongoDB, Beanie
    Frontend Tech Stack: React

    • Python with FastAPI: Python, known for its versatility and large community support, combined with FastAPI’s asynchronous nature, provides the necessary performance and real-time capabilities required for managing offline games.
    • Aiogram: Asynchronous framework for integrating communication tools, essential for facilitating seamless interaction between game organizers and participants.
    • MongoDB with Beanie: MongoDB’s flexibility and scalability, combined with Beanie’s asynchronous ODM for MongoDB, offer efficient data storage and interaction capabilities suitable for the application’s requirements.
    • React: React’s popularity, flexibility, and component-based architecture make it a suitable choice for building a seamless and intuitive user interface for the application.