
Choosing the Tech Stack, Designing the Architecture #

Tech Stack Selection #

We choose python as backend language and react as frontend language because corresponding team members are the most experienced in these languages. We choose MongoDB as document database and Redis as key-value database because they are the most popular and widely used databases in the industry. Also, document based approach of mongodb would be more helpful in changes-intensive development. We also choose RabbitMQ as message broker because it is a popular and reliable messaging system that can handle high volumes of messages. Finally, we choose Milvus as vector database because it is a high-performance vector database that can handle large-scale vector data. Traefik and Caddy are used for load balancing and reverse proxying, respectively, they are selected as better alternatives to Nginx.

Backend #

Frontend #

ML Workers #

Infrastructure #

Architecture Design #

Schematic drawing

Component Breakdown

Our system consists of four main components:

  1. The administrator’s web application

    The task of the web application is to provide the administrator with a user-friendly interface for managing forms, room stock, and the room allocation process.

  2. The user’s Telegram application

    The task of the telegram application is to provide the user with a convenient and quickly accessible interface for filling out forms and interaction with the recommendation system.

  3. Central server for processing requests and storing data

    The task of the central server is to provide an API for interacting with user data, establish a channel for secure client interaction with ML workers, as well as provide information about statistics and user profiles. The central server will contain all the business logic, including processing requests, responses, errors, and data consistency.

  4. Dynamic ML workers for processing requests and issuing responses

    The task of ML workers is to provide an isolated environment for performing ML tasks, such as a recommendation system and the room allocation of users. Replicas of ML workers will be spawned on the server, horizontally distributing load between several workers.

Other infrastructure components that we are going to use include:

  • Vector database (milvus) (datalake)
  • Document database (mongodb)
  • Cache (redis)
  • Message broker (rabbitmq)
  • Server administration (caddy/traefik/docker/gunicorn etc)
Data Management

We plan to store data in different databases based on their nature and usage:

  • Users’ profile data, room stock, and room allocation data would be stored in a document database (MongoDB) and would be accessible through an API.
  • Users’ unfinished forms, states, and additional telegram-related data would be stored in a key-value database (Redis). Some server caches also would be stored there.
  • Users’ embedded (vectorized) profiles and recommendation system feedbacks (like/dont like) would be stored in a datalake (vector db - Milvus).

Futhermore, we have established access control policies to ensure data security:

  • Client applications has no access to data in databases (only conroled access through APIs).
  • API Server has full read/write access to document database and key-value database.
  • ML workers have full read/write access to datalake.
User Interface (UI) Design

We plan to design user interfaces that are intuitive and user-friendly. The administrator’s web application will have a clean and organized layout with features such as form management, room stock management, and room allocation process. The user’s Telegram application will have a simple and interactive interface for filling out forms and receiving recommendations. We will conduct usability testing to gather feedback and improve the user experience design based on user preferences.

Integration and APIs

We do not plan to integrate with any third-party services or APIs. All solutions will be self-hosted or implemented as part of the project. However, we might ingerate with some cloud servuces in the future in order to reduce operational costs.

Scalability and Performance

We plan to utilize horinzontal scaling to handle a large number of users and requests. We would configure cloud infrastructure providers to automatically spawn service replicas when needed. Several replicas of main server would be spawned behind a load balancer to achive high availability and fault tolerance. Message brokers would be used to decouple ML workers and ensure task persistence and completion. ML workers are also replicated horizontally to improve performance and scalability. In the future, we might add more sophisticated load balancing and caching mechanisms to further improve performance and scalability.

Security and Privacy

We plan to implement various security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. All traffic between the server and clients will be encrypted using TLS/SSL. Authentication mechanisms such as OAuth2 and JWT will be used to ensure secure access to user data from web applications. Secret codes and telegram api bot proxies would be used to protect user data for telegram applications. ML workers and server would be protected by firewalls and encapsulated in closed local networks.

Error Handling and Resilience

We aim to implement robust error handling on a side of API server, as well as comprehensive logging and data tracing mechanisms. Persistent message queues would be used to ensure reliable message delivery and task completion by ML workers.

Deployment and DevOps

To automate the deployment and management of the system, we plan to use containerization technologies (docker stack: dockerfiles, docker, docker-compose) and CI/CD pipelines (Github Actions) for testing, building, and deploying components of the system independently.

Week 2 questionnaire #

Tech Stack Resources

No, we don’t have any resources for the tech stack we have chosen. We have chosen the tech stack based on the expertise of the team members and the requirements of the project.

Mentorship Support

As a team, we are not currently partnered with a mentor specifically for our project, primarily due to the difficulty in sourcing someone with expertise in the specialized field of graph algorithms. We recognize the immense value that mentorship brings to the table, especially in navigating the complexities of our project.

Exploring Alternative Resources

In order to distribute students into rooms, it is necessary to work either with classical clustering or with the so-called community detection / graph clustering. According to the first one, classical clustering methods such as K means, Dbscan, etc. were reviewed. For graph clustering, it was useful to familiarize yourself with the contents of this video. SOTA solutions was also viewed at this link. It was found out that graph autoencoders are the best available solutions. There are also simpler classical algorithms in the NetworkX library that can also be used to speed up the program.

Identifying Knowledge Gaps

No one in the ML team has had any experience in the domain of recommendational systems. For this reason, the main goal of the week 1 and half of week 2 for us was to do a very thorough and meaningful research of the topic and to propose a list of different techniques, models, and libraries that we will compare and experiment with. This way we well ensure a well-rounded understanding of the stack by both researching it, and experimenting with different solutions of the task at hand.

Engaging with the Tech Community

We did not engage with the broader IT community, apart from reading several personal blogs on the related topics and publications on platforms such as Medium and Habr. We have also asked for an advice from a TA from our previous corses, before the TA distribution on the Capstone course.

Learning Objectives

After researching potential solutions for recommendation and distribution systems during week 1, this week we aim to put all this research into practice. We have picked several promising technologies to try and use with our own data. This will allow us to understand our field and data even further, as well as create some testing pipelines for the future iterations.

Sharing Knowledge with Peers

Every week we have separate meetings for the whole team, for the ML team, and for the dev team. The first one is for planning the general trajectory of the week and sharing important findings. The second one is inclusively to share knowledge and progress on the ML part. Usually, before the meeting, each person creates a document with their findings. We read those documents before or during the meeting, discuss them, and therefore share and explain the knowledge. A similar procedure is used in a dev team.

Leveraging AI

We did use ChatGPT as a supplement for our research. For example, to see an overview of the field or its subfields, or to verify domain-specific terminology. It was also useful to generate code examples for the libraries where the documentation was too complex or lacking.

Tech Stack and Team Allocation #

Once we have a clear understanding of the project requirements and architecture, we can assign responsibilities to team members based on their expertise and interests. This will help us streamline the development process and ensure that each component is handled effectively.

Member NameTrackResponsibilities
Egor MachnevProduct management, FrontendOverseeing product development, frontend coding
Anton KudryavtsevBackendDeveloping and maintaining backend systems, devops
Sofia TkachenkoMachine learningDesigning and implementing ML models
Apollinaria ChernikovaMachine learningData preprocessing, ML model evaluation
David KhachikovMachine learningResearch and development of ML algorithms
Sergey KatkovUI/UX, TestingDesigning user interfaces, conducting usability testing

Weekly Progress Report #

This week, our team concentrated on developing the architecture of the room recommendation system. We divided components, outlined data management strategies, and designed the user interface. In addition, we discussed scalability, security, and error handling to ensure system reliability.

Challenges & Solutions #

a. Challenge: The integration of machine learning models with the backend system is a key objective.

Solution: After careful consideration, we have opted to utilise RabbitMQ as the communication bridge between the backend and ML components. This will facilitate seamless integration and communication between the two.

b. Challenge: It is our responsibility to ensure the privacy and security of our clients’ data.

Solution: We have implemented encryption algorithms to protect user data and established strict access controls to prevent unauthorized access.

c. Challenge: Designing a user interface that is intuitive to use..

Solution: We conducted user testing to gather feedback and improve the user interface and user experience design based on user preferences.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

The team has made significant progress in defining the system architecture and allocating responsibilities. Next week, we plan to start developing the backend and frontend components, focusing on implementing the machine learning models and designing the user interface.