University Support

University Support #

Supporting Young Innovative Students #

Innopolis University, a renowned institution known for its focus on technology and innovation, is not only dedicated to academic excellence but also strives to empower and support young entrepreneurs in their pursuit of turning their innovative ideas into successful startups. By providing coaching, expertise across different domains, and invaluable networking opportunities, Innopolis University plays a vital role in nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.

One of the key ways Innopolis University supports student startups is through its comprehensive coaching and mentoring programs. Aspiring entrepreneurs receive guidance from experienced faculty members and industry professionals who possess deep knowledge and expertise in various domains. This coaching helps students refine their business models, develop effective strategies, and navigate the complex startup ecosystem. By receiving personalized guidance, students can enhance their entrepreneurial skills and increase their chances of success.

  • To further facilitate the growth of student startups, Innopolis University has established a rigorous evaluation process. When a startup demonstrates promising potential, it can present its idea to the university board. The board assesses the project’s viability and, upon approval, provides a recommendation to proceed. This recommendation acts as a valuable validation of the startup’s concept and enhances its credibility when seeking external support and funding.

  • Once a startup receives the university board’s recommendation, it can explore additional opportunities in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) associated with Innopolis. The SEZ provides a supportive ecosystem for startups, offering benefits such as tax incentives, access to advanced infrastructure, and a network of like-minded entrepreneurs. By joining the SEZ, startups can leverage these advantages to accelerate their growth and increase their chances of success.

  • Moreover, successful startups that excel within the SEZ can become full members of the TechnoPark. This prestigious status opens doors to even more resources and support, including access to venture capital, mentorship from industry leaders, and collaboration opportunities with established companies. Being a part of the TechnoPark offers startups unparalleled opportunities for growth, allowing them to thrive in a vibrant entrepreneurial environment.

  • Another unique aspect of Innopolis University’s support for student startups is the opportunity to incorporate the startup journey into a bachelor thesis. This integration recognizes the practical value of entrepreneurship and allows students to pursue their passion while meeting academic requirements. By combining theory and practice, students can gain a comprehensive understanding of the startup process and contribute innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Furthermore, Innopolis University acknowledges the time commitment required to build a successful startup. To accommodate this, the university provides flexibility in the academic curriculum, allowing students to allocate dedicated time to work on their ventures. By organizing their startup journey as part of their studies, students can balance their academic pursuits with their entrepreneurial ambitions effectively.

Innopolis University Startup Studio #

Are you a bachelor student who wants to turn your innovative idea into a successful technology startup? Do you need expert guidance, mentorship, and resources to launch your venture? If yes, then you should consider joining the Innopolis University Startup Studio!

The Startup Studio is a program that supports student technology startups by creating a successful startup community of University students and graduates, as well as providing favorable conditions from external partners for investment and development of ideas. The Startup Studio is headed by Artem Usov, a business development specialist, and Gulshat Gabdrakhmanova, a business development specialist.

The Startup Studio focuses on the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Mechatronics and Robotics, Big Data, VR/AR, Blockchain, where Innopolis University has high competencies and can provide high-quality, relevant expertise and mentoring support.

By joining the Startup Studio, you will get:

  • Initial examination of your idea and feedback
  • Accounting and legal assistance
  • Assistance in applying for grants
  • Services of a marketer, designer
  • Recruitment help
  • Workplace in the campus
  • Access to technological resources of the university (3D printers, VR/AR, test bench)

You will also have the opportunity to participate in the Industrial Interuniversity Accelerator “StartupHouse”, where you can test your hypotheses and package your product to attract investment. You will meet with curators, experts and investors from different companies and learn from their experience.

If you are interested in joining the Startup Studio, you can get a consultation by filling out a form on their website:

Don’t miss this chance to take off and fly with your startup!