
Pitch Deck #

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Week 1 Report #

Team Members #

Team MemberTelegram IDEmail Address
Mostafa Kira@mostafakiram.kira@innopolis.university
Fedor Krasilnikov@chuffjufjff.krasilnikov@innopolis.university
Zeyad Alagamy@zeyadAjamyz.alagamy@innopolis.university
Pavel Roganin@winnerjustp.roganin@innopolis.university
Ahmed Soliman@XDRdvda.soliman@innopolis.university
Md Motasim Bhuiyan@pptx704m.bhuiyan@innopolis.university
Mohamed Nguira@mohamednguiram.nguira@innopolis.university

Problem Statement #

Our software project addresses the critical problem of efficiently diagnosing diseases and connecting individuals with the right doctors. Traditional healthcare systems often lack accessibility and can be time-consuming, leading to delayed or inaccurate diagnoses. These inefficiencies and challenges within the healthcare domain can cause significant stress, delay treatment, and undermine overall patient well-being

Solution Description #

Our platform revolutionizes the healthcare experience by providing a comprehensive solution to the identified problem. Through an intuitive interface, users can input their symptoms, which initiates a guided question-and-answer process. The system collects relevant information to generate a preliminary diagnosis based on advanced algorithms and medical knowledge. Additionally, the platform recommends doctors who specialize in the relevant field, ensuring that users receive the most appropriate care.

Main Features List #

  • A bot for prelimintary diagnosis for the user
  • Doctors Online Booking service for partner diagnostic centers
  • Patient history tracking

Additional Features #

  • Chat with doctors
  • Video call with a doctor
  • Notifications for the user related to its disease

Benefits to Users #

1- Accurate and Efficient Diagnosis: Users can receive a preliminary diagnosis quickly, reducing anxiety and enabling them to take proactive steps toward treatment.

2- Personalized Doctor Recommendations: Our platform ensures users are connected with doctors who specialize in their specific condition, enhancing the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes.

3- Time and Cost Savings: By eliminating the need for extensive research and multiple doctor visits, our platform saves users valuable time and reduces healthcare-related expenses.

4- Enhanced Access to Healthcare: Our solution bridges the gap between patients and doctors, particularly in remote areas, by providing access to a broader network of healthcare professionals.

5- Improved Patient Experience: With streamlined processes and personalized recommendations, our platform enhances overall patient satisfaction, leading to better healthcare outcomes.

Differentiation from Existing Solutions #

1- AI-Driven Preliminary Diagnosis: By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), our platform provides users with a preliminary diagnosis for their symptoms. The utilization of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques ensures a more accurate and efficient assessment.

2- Personalized Doctor Matching: Building upon the preliminary diagnosis, our platform goes beyond generic doctor directories. We take into account the specific condition identified by the AI analysis and match users with doctors who specialize in the relevant field. This personalized approach enhances the likelihood of successful treatment outcomes and fosters a stronger patient-doctor connection.

3- Comprehensive Solution: Unlike standalone symptom checkers or doctor directories, our platform offers an end-to-end solution. From symptom input to preliminary diagnosis and doctor recommendations, we streamline the entire healthcare journey, saving users valuable time and effort.

User Impact #

By empowering individuals with accurate diagnoses and personalized doctor recommendations, our software project has a profound impact on both users and the broader healthcare industry. Key user benefits include improved health outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, increased convenience and accessibility, and enhanced patient satisfaction. Additionally, by streamlining healthcare processes and leveraging technology, our solution contributes to the advancement of digital healthcare, ultimately driving positive change and improved efficiency within the industry.

User Testimonials or Use Cases #

1- Self-Diagnosis: Users experiencing mild symptoms can utilize the platform to conduct a preliminary self-diagnosis. By inputting their symptoms and engaging in the guided question-and-answer process, they can receive insights and initial information about their condition.

2- Access to Specialized Doctors: Patients with specific medical conditions or rare diseases can benefit from the platform’s personalized doctor recommendations. By considering the preliminary diagnosis and the user’s location, the platform connects them with doctors who specialize in their specific condition, ensuring they receive the most relevant and appropriate care.

Lean Startup Questionnaire #

What problem or need does your software project address? #

Our software project addresses the problem of inefficient disease diagnosis and the challenge of finding suitable doctors for specific conditions. It aims to streamline the healthcare process by providing users with a preliminary diagnosis based on their symptoms and recommending doctors who specialize in the relevant field. This solves the pain point of delayed or inaccurate diagnoses and the struggle to find appropriate healthcare professionals.

Who are your target users or customers? #

Our target users are individuals who are experiencing symptoms and seeking initial guidance for their potential medical conditions. This includes patients who want to validate their symptoms, those seeking a second opinion, individuals in remote or underserved areas, and anyone looking for quick and personalized doctor recommendations. Additionally, our platform can be useful for healthcare professionals as a supportive tool for preliminary assessments.

How will you validate and test your assumptions about the project? #

We will validate and test our assumptions through user feedback and data analysis. By collecting user feedback and conducting surveys, we can gain insights into the user experience and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, we can leverage data analysis to assess the accuracy of our preliminary diagnoses and doctor recommendations, ensuring that our platform is providing the most relevant and up-to-date information.

What metrics will you use to measure the success of your project? #

We will measure the success of our project based on the following metrics:

  • User Satisfaction: We will collect user feedback and conduct surveys to assess user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
  • Accuracy of Preliminary Diagnoses: We will leverage data analysis to assess the accuracy of our preliminary diagnoses and ensure that our platform is providing the most relevant and up-to-date information.
  • Accuracy of Doctor Recommendations: We will leverage data analysis to assess the accuracy of our doctor recommendations and ensure that our platform is providing the most relevant and up-to-date information.
  • Number of Users: We will track the number of users to assess the growth of our platform and identify opportunities for expansion.

How do you plan to iterate and pivot if necessary based on user feedback? #

We plan to iterate and pivot based on user feedback by continuously collecting and analyzing user feedback. This will allow us to identify areas for improvement and make iterative changes to our platform. Additionally, we will leverage data analysis to assess the accuracy of our preliminary diagnoses and doctor recommendations, ensuring that our platform is providing the most relevant and up-to-date information.

Leveraging AI, Open-Source, and Experts #

Our team has a strategic plan to leverage the following resources for the development and success of our project:

1- AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI is a crucial resource that we will extensively utilize in our project. We will use an AI model for making a preliminary diagnosis based on the user’s symptoms. We will also utilize AI for understanding the topics we do not know using generative models like ChatGPT. Additionally, we will use AI to write the code effectively by using AI extensions like Github Copilot.

2- Open-Source: Open-source resources play a significant role in our project’s development and success. Our project is based on an open-source AI model that we will leverage for making a preliminary diagnosis based on the user’s symptoms. Additionally, we will use open-source tools and libraries for the development of our platform.

Defining the Vision for Your Project #

Overview #

Our project aims to revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing an intelligent and user-friendly platform that enables accurate disease diagnosis and personalized doctor recommendations. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced algorithms, we address the problem of inefficient diagnosis and the challenge of finding suitable doctors for specific conditions. Our platform streamlines the healthcare process, saving time and effort for users while ensuring they receive the most relevant and effective medical care.

Tech Stack #

  • Frontend: React.js, TailwindCSS, nextJs, Redux
  • Backend: Python, FastAPI, Java, Spring Boot
  • Database: Postgresql with PostGIS extension
  • Mobile: Flutter

Anticipation Future Problems #

1- Data Privacy and Security: We anticipate the need for robust security measures to protect user data and comply with privacy regulations. Implementing encryption, secure data storage, and strict access controls will be essential.

2- Integration with External Systems: Ensuring seamless integration with external databases, medical resources, and location-based services may pose technical challenges. We will proactively address compatibility issues and potential API limitations.

3- Scalability and Performance: As the user base grows, handling increased traffic and ensuring real-time response will require careful consideration. We will plan for scalability and performance optimization to maintain a smooth user experience.

Week 2 Report #

Architecture Design #

Component Breakdown #

  1. AI Diagnosis Module: Utilizes advanced AI algorithms to analyze symptoms and provide preliminary diagnoses.
  2. Doctors Recommendation Engine: Matches users with suitable doctors.
  3. User Profile Management: keeps track of user profiles and their medical history.

Data Management #

The platform will employ a relational database management system. We will use PostgreSQL to store user profiles, symptom data, preliminary diagnoses, and doctor information.

User Interface(UI) Design: #

We have agreed on the main design for our website and mobile application. The designs are available on figma and can be accessed through the following links:

Integration and APIs #

We will be using the following APIs:

  • Symptom Checker API
  • Geocoding API

Scalability & Performance #

Our platform will utilize Kubernetes (k8s) and traefik to ensure scalability and optimal performance. Kubernetes allows for easy scaling by dynamically allocating resources based on demand, while traefik serves as the load balancer, distributing traffic across multiple instances of the application. These technologies work together to handle increased user loads and deliver a high-performance experience.

Security and Privacy #

The platform will incorporate robust security measures to protect user data and ensure privacy. This includes implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms, encrypting sensitive data at rest and in transit, and adhering to relevant security standards and best practices.

Error Handling and Resilience #

We will employ manual testing and unit testing for comprehensive code validation. This approach ensures robust error handling, proactive issue identification, and enhances application resilience.

Deployment and DevOps #

We will implement CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) using Terraform and GitHub actions. These tools will automate the build, testing, and deployment process, ensuring efficient software delivery.

Questionnaire #

  • We are not utilizing project-based books
  • We currently do not have a mentor
  • We expanded our understanding for the technical stack mainly by researching and reading articles online
  • We do not feel that we are facing knowledge gaps at the moment
  • We organized several meeting for for discussion and knowledge sharing
  • We utilized AI by using large language models for understanding some technical aspects that were not clear to us

Tech Stack and Team Allocation #

Assignment of team members roles in the project was done according to the experience of each member in the team and the projects he worked on before.

The technical roles in the team is assigned as follow: Frontend: Zeyad Alagamy Backend: Fedor Krasilnikov, Md Motasim Bhuiyan, Ahmed Soliman Mobile Application: Mohamed Nguira, Pavel Roganin

The business side of the project is managed by Mostafa Kira and Md Motasim Bhuiyan. They are working on tasks such as market research & Analysis, contacting potential partners, writing business plan, and communicating with investors

Challenges #

We couldn’t find mentors to guide us in developing the project.

Accomplishments #

  • We have completed the architecture design for our platform
  • We have completed the UI design for our platform
  • We created a landing page
  • We found a potential investor for our startup
  • We communicated with one hospital to partner with us


1. Component Breakdown

Good, but you need to categorise those mention into Frontend/ backend.

2. Data Management


3. UI Design

I like the design very much. But what the Landing page different design than the mobile app? Try to keep consistent design among platforms in order not to confuse users.

I like the chat design, but it missing the send button. also how will you handle if the user will write a big prompt?

4. Integration and APIs


5. Scalability and Performance Good

6. Security and Privacy Good

7. Error handling and Resillience Unit testing will help you test the alit of the current code. But this is only one part of handling errors. You need to use a mechanise to handle errors while he program are in production. Since you are suing Mobile try to use crashlytics

8. Deployment and DevOps Good

Answering questioner Answering for the questioner is very short, and doesn’t reflect much consideration. You should explain why you don’t have a mentor. I hardly believe that you have no gap in your knowledge ( so you are perfect at everything? )

You should redo them.

We couldn’t find mentors to guide us in developing the project.

The mentor job is not all about the challenges. beside you didn’t face any challenge?.

please try to be more realistic.

Overall The report is good. But you should really take into consideration the questioner answering properly. If you did it you would have gotten a full mark.

and try to be more realistic.

Grade 4/5

Feedback by Moofiy

Week 3 Report #

Prototype Features #

In our prototype, we have implemented the following features:

  • We did data collection and preprocessing for Doctors Data
  • We implemented the backend of the chat feature
  • We developed interactive prototype for the mobile application
  • We started working on the frontend of the website

User Interface: #

  • This is the link for the interactive prototype of the mobile application
  • This is the main page of the website deployed. We are working on implementing the other pages

Challenges and Solutions #

  • We faced some challenges in the chat backend. We solved this by researching and reading articles online
  • The front end developer had some challenges in implementing the design, because some of the components in the design was new for him. He solved this by researching and reading articles online
  • After tesing the implemented parts in the project, we found that we have overflow problem in the website especially in the mobile view. We solved this by defining the containers which are causing the problem and fixing the overflow problem in them

Next Steps #

Our next steps are:

  • Complete the implementation for the frontend of the website and the mobile application
  • Connecting the frontend with the backend


Prototype Features
What you listed in the feature section in not features features refer to the distinct functionalities or capabilities provided by a software application. They are the things that an application can do to fulfill user needs and requirements.

User Interface
Wow, just wow!! But I feel that the home page contains a lot of information. Better to make it simple

Challenges and Solutions

Next Steps
Good. You should really think of testing with users (Usability testing)

Good report, you should focus more on testing the product.


Feedback by Moofiy

Week 4 Report #

External feedback #

We have gathered feedback from 8 people about our prototype. The feedback was mainly about their opinion about the idea of the prototype and the functionality of the chatbot. The feedback was mostly positive, but we also got some negative feedback and some suggestions for some of the features.

One of the persons who tested the prototype was concerned about the privacy of the data. Also, we got a suggestion that after a user finishes the chat with the bot, we should be mainly showing a list of doctors and hospitals which are covered by his insurance. We will consider the feedback and suggestions we got to make our product better.

Testing #

We have used manual testing to test the prototype and we discovered several bugs that we need to work on.

In the website, we discovered some bugs such as that some messages from the chat don’t appear properly when using the website in the mobile view. Also, the chat needs to be auto-scrolling to the bottom when there are new messages. We also noticed a delay in the chat when sending messages. Our front end developer is working on fixing these bugs.

In the mobile application, team members responsible for testing faced a client exception error. There were also some problems in the functionality of the chat. The errors have been reported to the flutter developers to be fixed.

Iteration and refinement #

From the testing phase, we discovered some bugs that we need to fix in our website. Our front end developer is currently working on fixing these bugs. We also discovered some errors in the mobile application and our flutter developers are working on it.

Additionally, we received some feedback from users and we will be considering it while developing the prototype. For example, we will be considering the feedback we got about the privacy of the data. We also added in our tasks list to implement the suggestion we got about showing the user a list of doctors and hospitals which are covered by his insurance.

On top of that, our team is also working on implementing the rest of the features in the prototype.


External Feedback
Where is the proof of this feedback collection? What positive / negative feedback you received. This is missing form the report

Good, but how do you mange bug reporting/ fixing / documenting?

This is not iteration

An iteration plan is essentially the plan for an upcoming iteration. It would typically outline:

  • The goals and objectives for the iteration: what the team aims to achieve.
  • The features to be developed.
  • The tasks needed to develop these features. This might include coding, testing, design tasks, etc.
  • Any assumptions or dependencies.
  • A timeline for the iteration.

The report ok. Please give some more time reflecting / writing the report!!!.

Grade: 3/5

Feedback by Moofiy

Week 5 Report #

Collected Feedback Results #

We have conducted a survey to gather feedback from users about the prototype we have developed. 11 Persons filled the survey. The survey was mainly about the user experience of the prototype and the functionality of the chatbot. The results of the survey is shown in the following photos:

q1 q2 q3 q4 q5

From the feedback we collected, we found that most of the users liked the idea of the prototype and they find it useful. Also, most of the users found the chatbot easy to use and they liked the design of the chatbot. However, some users reported some problems regarding their experience with the platform. We will be considering the feedback we got to make our product better.

Feedback Collection Plan #

To ensure systematic and standardized feedback collection, we will be following the follwoing methods:

1. Algorithmic Feedback Collection #

Online forms and charts will be created to quantitatively assess the product or its specific features. This approach will allow for the collection of standardized feedback from a larger user base. The online forms will be designed to capture relevant metrics such as usability, functionality, and overall satisfaction.

2. One-on-One Feedback Sessions: #

One-on-One Feedback Sessions: In addition to the algorithmic approach, individual user surveys and feedback sessions will be conducted. These sessions will provide an opportunity for users to provide detailed feedback, share their experiences, and suggest improvements. The sessions will be structured using specific questions or areas of focus to gather feedback on.

By following this feedback collection plan, we aim to gather comprehensive and valuable insights, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the product’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Feedback Documentation #

All feedback received from stakeholders will be carefully documented to ensure clear identification of specific areas for improvement or enhancement. Each feedback item will be attributed to the respective stakeholder and categorized based on the identified themes or issues. This documentation will serve as a reference for further analysis and prioritization.

Feedback Analysis and Prioritization #

The feedback collected will be analyzed to identify the most common themes or issues. These themes will be prioritized based on the frequency of occurrence and the severity of the issue. The prioritized themes will be used to guide the development of the product roadmap and the prioritization of future features.

Implementation of changes #

Some users reported bugs and suggestions to improve the UX of the prototype such as the auto scrolling feature in the chatbot. Our developers are currently working on fixing these bugs and implementing the suggestions we got from the users.

Refinement of Product Roadmap #

We have refined our road map based on the feedback we recieved and the problems we discovered during developing and testing the platform. One of the main aspects we decided to change is to develop our own AI chatbot in the future instead of using a third party chatbot.

We received some comments from the users about the performance of the current chatbot but we are not able to modify them as we are not the owners of the chatbot. Therefore, we decided to develop our own chatbot in the future to have more control over it and improve its performance.

Our Roadmap after Refinment is shown in the following image: Roadmap-Cropped


Collecting and documenting feedback

Feedback analysis

Roadmap and enhancement

Grade: 5/5

Feedback by Moofiy