Week #4

Week #4 #

External Feedback #

As our team is working on an industrial project, we are immediately thinking about the possibility of easy integration of our system into the customer’s system, so the development of the product goes in parallel and there are only parts that are not yet connected to each other. That is why our team has called the customer’s representative and provided him with ready parts of the product, namely the design, part of the frontend and a model that can identify and track vehicles, as well as their entry and exit in the allocated area.


How CV model works (we’ve sent a video, but here is the screenshot from it):

Highlighting of the work area by points (frontend):

Feedback from the representative:


Hello colleagues! As part of the work prepared design, performed the implementation of the layout of the application, in the first version of the event handler is implemented. in the process of work should be developed functionality of the back of the application.

Testing #

As part of the testing and refinement, the following work was carried out:

  • Testing the operation of authorization requests
  • Testing of video streaming services, and consequently, tuning of parameters for smooth frame transfer
  • API operation testing, testing of database queries, checking for fault tolerance and correct responses
  • Testing of different parameters of computer vision model settings
  • Testing and refining different variants of algorithms for vehicle tracking
  • Speed testing on local cpu and gpu

All works were successfully done, refinements were taken into account

Iteration #

Thanks to daily calls with the customer’s representative, our team checks the status of the work performed against the planned tasks on a daily basis. If there are any questions, they are immediately discussed in a common group, and the necessary adjustments to the original plan are introduced.


External Feedback
Good that you have a feedback from client. But only 1 feedback, do you think it’s enough.

Ok good, you make all of this testing, Where is the proof?

This is not iteration plan. How will you adapt to what the customer is requesting? How do you handle change request? How do you show your progress?

You haven’t provide any proof to what you are saying, you are just writing words. And words without a proof is nothing!

The report is weak, you need to reflect on what is requested an do it properly


Feedback by Moofiy