Week #3

Week #3 #

Developing the First Prototype, Creating the Priority List #

Technical Infrastructure #

  • Finalized the technical stack with all necessary dependencies.
  • Ensured seamless integration between different components (Frontend, Backend, Smart Contracts).
  • Improved CI/CD pipelines for better deployment and testing efficiency.

Backend Development #

  • Completed user authentication module.
  • Implemented CRUD operations for campaigns (create, read, update, delete).
  • Established initial API endpoints for frontend-backend communication.
  • Enhanced security measures, including encryption and secure data handling.

Frontend Development #

  • Completed the landing page with initial UI/UX design elements.
  • Set up routing and initial page structures using Next.js.
  • Integrated with backend APIs to display campaign data.
  • Began development of the campaign creation page.

Prototype Testing #

  • Conducted initial unit tests for backend services.
  • Performed manual testing on the frontend to ensure basic functionality.
  • Set up testing environments and mock data for continuous testing.

Weekly Progress Report #

Our team accomplished the following tasks this week:

  • Frontend: Finished the landing page, set up routing, and began the campaign creation page.
  • Backend: Completed user authentication and CRUD operations for campaigns.
  • Prototype Testing: Started initial testing processes for backend and frontend components.

Challenges & Solutions #

  • Challenge: Ensuring seamless integration between different technologies.

    • Solution: Held daily stand-up meetings to align team members and address integration issues promptly.
  • Challenge: Balancing feature development with maintaining a stable build.

    • Solution: Prioritized setting up comprehensive CI/CD pipelines early on to streamline deployments and testing.
  • Challenge: Managing secure data handling, especially for user authentication and KYC.

    • Solution: Implemented encryption for sensitive data and robust backend security measures.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

This week, we made significant progress in both backend and frontend development, laying a strong foundation for the Block Funders platform. Moving forward, we will focus on:

  • Completing the campaign creation and management pages on the frontend.
  • Enhancing backend functionalities, including advanced transaction handling and KYC verification.
  • Conducting more thorough testing and debugging to ensure platform stability.
  • Refining the user interface based on initial feedback and testing results.

Overall, our team is on track to deliver a functional prototype, with core features implemented and integrated across the platform. We will continue to iterate and improve based on user feedback and ongoing testing.