
Week #5 #

Feedbacks #

  • Feedback Collection Plan #

    This week, our team focused on expanding our feedback collection efforts to enhance our product’s usability and value. By engaging with stakeholders through interviews and surveys, we aimed to gather comprehensive feedback to inform our next development steps. This approach is crucial as it ensures alignment with user needs and expectations.

    We utilized a combination of direct discussions with stakeholders and online forms to collect standardized feedback. This methodical approach allowed us to gather qualitative insights while also quantitatively assessing user satisfaction and feature prioritization.

    • Objectives: #
      • Gather comprehensive feedback from a broad range of users.
      • Identify areas of improvement for the next product itteration.
      • Prioritise features in the backlog
    • Methods: #
      • Discussions with potential clients, users, and fellow students.
      • A set of targeted questions to guide the discussion.
      • Online forms for standardized feedback.
  • Conducted User Surveys or Feedback Sessions #

    We conducted 10 stakeholder interviews and received detailed responses from 8 users through online surveys. Recipients watched video of the app, or interacted with the app via app build. Analysis of the feedback highlighted several common themes, including the need for clearer navigation elements, feature enhancements, and performance improvements. These insights were pivotal in identifying high-priority issues that require immediate attention for improving user experience and product functionality.

  • Analyzing Feedback, Identifying and Prioritizing Issues #

    The feedback underscored the importance of refining navigation clarity, enhancing design elements, and integrating advanced features like AI capabilities.

    • Positive Feedback Highlights: #
      • Users commended the intuitive design of the interface, which contributed positively to their overall user experience.
      • Users showed enthusiasm for integrating AI capabilities, recognizing their potential to enhance the application’s utility and user engagement.
      • Users faced no issues with navigating in the cousre notes, and found fast notes useful.
    • Common Themes Identified: #
      • Users found the interface intuitive but noted that some navigation elements were unclear
      • Several users requested features for structuring.
      • Performance improvements.
    • High Priority Issues: #
      • Clarifying navigation elements.
      • Enhancing the design
      • Adding the AI features.
      • User access tracking.

Roadmap: #

Our team has decided to open-source this project. It will be well-documented and easy to modify, ensuring that the community can contribute effectively. However, we believe the project also has significant market potential. Therefore, we have outlined a high-level roadmap for its future development.


  • 1. Define Business Model and Infrastructure Setup

    • Define monetization strategies (premium, subscriptions, commission).
    • Establish robust backend infrastructure to support growing user base.
  • 2. Enhance Core Features and Security

    • Improve user experience and performance.
    • Implement AI and app security.
  • 3. Expand User Base and Integration

    • Attract students and educational institutions.
    • Integrate with external systems through APIs.
  • 4. Partnerships and Data Analytics

    • Form partnerships with educational institutions and content providers to expand user base.
    • Track key metrics and optimize app performance.
  • 5. Metrics, Support, and Innovation

    • Monitor user metrics (active users, session duration) and app stability.
    • Provide continuous support and maintenance while exploring new features and technologies for long-term growth.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Our Team did: #

Our team’s efforts this week have significantly advanced the project, addressing critical issues and enhancing key functionalities. We remain committed to refining the product and look forward to the continued development and improvement in the coming weeks.

  1. Successfully set up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines to streamline our development workflow, enhancing code quality and deployment efficiency.

  2. Developed and integrated the front-end functionality to support various photo and file types, ensuring seamless user experience and compatibility across different file formats.

  3. Added an AI enhancement button to the text creation/editing window, allowing users to leverage AI technology for improving text quality and readability directly within the app.

  4. Generated several app builds for different stages of the app development, facilitating easy testing and deployment across various devices.

  5. Conducted a set of thorough tests to validate functionality, performance, and usability, ensuring the robustness and reliability of the application.

  6. Identified and resolved critical bugs in the APK files, enhancing stability and user experience.

  7. Addressed and fixed various bugs in the database, improving data integrity and system performance.

  8. Enhanced the Markdown editing feature, integrating both front-end and back-end updates to streamline editing capabilities and improve user interface.

  9. Successfully implemented the AI feature, enhancing the app’s functionality with advanced text processing and analytical capabilities.

  10. Resolved issues with the search functionality, improving accuracy and responsiveness in locating content within the app.

  11. Applied design improvements to enhance the user interface, ensuring a more intuitive and visually appealing experience.

Detailed Overview: #

  • CI/CD: Streamlined our development and deployment processes, reducing manual intervention and accelerating feature releases.
  • File Handling: Enhanced support for various photo and file types, improving the user experience with better file handling capabilities.
  • AI Integration: The addition of the AI text enhancement button in the note creation/editing window significantly boosts text quality, making content creation more efficient and user-friendly.
  • App Build Deployment: Generated multiple buildes, facilitating extensive testing across different environments and ensuring consistent functionality.
  • Testing & Bug Fixing: Conducted a comprehensive suite of tests, addressing bugs in the APK files and database, thereby enhancing app stability and performance.
  • MD Editing & AI Features: Upgraded the Markdown editing tool and implemented AI features, enriching the text editing and processing functionalities.
  • Search & Design Updates: Fixed search functionality issues and made design enhancements, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.

Challenges & Solutions #

  • Challenge 1: Iterative Rebuilds #
    • Context: During the development process, we encountered the necessity for iterative rebuilds of the application to incorporate ongoing feedback and address newly identified issues.
    • Impact: These iterative rebuilds increased development time and resource consumption, causing delays in project milestones and creating potential inefficiencies in the development workflow.
    • Solution: To manage the iterative rebuilds more effectively, we implemented a more agile and modular development approach. By breaking down the application into smaller, independent modules, we were able to make changes and updates more efficiently without affecting the entire system. Additionally, we adopted CI/CD, which automated the testing and deployment processes, ensuring that changes could be integrated and deployed quickly and reliably.
  • Challenge 2: Low Survey Response Rate #
    • Context: Despite initial outreach efforts, we encountered a lower-than-expected response rate to our online surveys.
    • Impact: Limited data collection hindered our ability to gather diverse perspectives and comprehensive feedback from users.
    • Solution: Implemented a proactive strategy to increase survey participation. We sent personalized reminders to participants and introduced a small incentive program for survey completion. This approach not only encouraged higher engagement but also incentivized users to provide detailed feedback. By enhancing outreach and incentivization, we successfully boosted survey response rates, thereby enriching our data pool and improving the validity of our findings.
  • Challenge 3: Diverse Feedback #
    • Context: Collating and interpreting diverse feedback from stakeholders presented a challenge in identifying common themes and actionable insights.
    • Impact: Without structured categorization, it was challenging to prioritize feedback effectively and align development efforts with user needs.
    • Solution: Implemented a systematic approach to feedback categorization and analysis. By categorizing responses into themes based on common issues and suggestions, we gained clarity on key areas requiring attention. This method facilitated the identification of high-priority features and improvements, enabling us to focus resources on initiatives that would have the greatest impact on user satisfaction and product enhancement.
  • Challenge 4: Lack of infrastructure for AI #
    • Context: As our application integrates more advanced AI capabilities, such as text enhancement and analysis, the computational load has increased beyond initial expectations. This has led to slower response times and decreased overall system efficiency.
    • Impact: Users experience delays and sluggish performance when utilizing the AI feature, negatively impacting usability and satisfaction. Slower response times impede workflow efficiency, affecting user productivity and engagement with the application.
    • Solution: To address the performance issues stemming from the high computational demands of our AI feature, we plan to leverage cloud services to provide scalable resources that can dynamically adjust to fluctuating demands. Through proactive monitoring and scaling strategies, we aim to maintain consistent and optimized AI functionality, delivering a smoother and more efficient user experience while optimizing costs.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

  • Conclusions: #
    • Significant progress has been made across all areas of development, testing, design, and analysis.
    • The feedback collection process has provided valuable insights, and addressing high-priority issues will greatly enhance the user experience.
    • The feedback session helped us better understand weak spots of the app.
  • Next Steps: #
    1. Optimize the performance of interation with GPT.
    2. Refining the authentication and authorization system.
    3. Conduct further testing on the new features and integrations.
    4. Ensure all design elements are consistently implemented across the app.
    5. Complete the integration of the new design.
    6. Refine the roadmap based on the latest insights.
    7. Specify the code documentation.