Week #1

Week #1 #

Team Formation and Project Proposal #

Team Members #

Team MemberTelegram IDEmail Address
Anton Chulakov@MrTonyNeona.chulakov@innopolis.university
Denis Mikhailov@mihdenis85d.mikhailov@innopolis.university
Arseny Savchenko@Paranid5a.savchenko@innopolis.university
Ilya Zubkov@h333llworldi.zubkov@innopolis.university
Sergey Atkonov@atkonds.atkonov@innopolis.university

Value Proposition #

Identify the Problem: #

Need for a source of cooking recipes and convenient way of storing, finding and sharing them and photos of them.

Solution Description: #

Website and mobile app in a form of social cookbook with lots of abilities, such as storing own recipes, sharing and finding needed recipes.

Benefits to Users: #

A convenient way to store, find and share recipes, user-friendly and beautiful interface.

Differentiation: #

Other apps lacks functionality to share users’ recipes and efficient search system.

User Impact: #

A convenient platform for storing, sharing and searching cooking ideas. Due to that, users can learn to cook faster and in much more comfortable way.

User Testimonials or Use Cases: #

* As a user, I have my own pie recipe and I want to share it with other users. I open the mobile app (the system),
  create new recipe and save it. Then I can save it as public recipe - and it will be available for all users.
* As a user, I have a lot of recipes written in the papers, and I want to place them somewhere. I open the website (
  the system), create recipes one by one and save them. Some of them I make private, some of them - public (
  available for all users).
* As a user, I want to find a recipe for beef stew. I open the mobile app (the system) and search for beef stew. I
  find several options and choose the most appropriate. I save this one in my recipes, so I can get it at anytime I
* As a user, I want to compare two recipes by calories and prices (because I want to lose weight, but I don't want
  it to be too expensive). I open the website (the system), find two recipes, compare them and choose the cheapest
  recipe with the lowest calorie level.
* As a user, I want to find the most popular recipe and try to cook it. I open the website and sort recipes by their
  popularity. And on the top of the page I get the most popular recipe.
* As a user, I want to rate the cake recipe I liked (the cake turned out to be extremely tasty and the whole family
  liked it). So I open the app, go to favourites, and find this recipe. After that I rank it and give it 5
  (of the 5) stars.
* These are the most common use cases of our project. In the future, we will work on other interesting ideas.

Lean Questionnaire #

Please answer the following questions related to the lean methodology:

1. What problem or need does your software project address? #

People need a convenient and beautiful service where they can create, search and share various recipes.

2. Who are your target users or customers? #

All people who like to cook or want to learn how to cook.

3. How will you validate and test your assumptions about the project? #

We will ask several people to test our mobile application and our website in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of our product, so we can improve it in the future.

4. What metrics will you use to measure the success of your project? #

  • User satisfaction
  • Appearance
  • Quantity of functionality
  • Quality of functionality

5. How do you plan to iterate and pivot if necessary based on user feedback? #

If users like a certain feature, we keep it (or gradually improve it). If users like a feature, but do not like its implementation, we update the implementation of this feature according to the wishes of the users. If, for the vast majority of users, the feature seems useless or even annoying, we remove it from the system.

Leveraging AI, Open-Source, and Experts #

Our team use open-source projects, such as Fast-API, Docker, React JS, Kotlin Multiplatform, PostgresQl to develop our own project.

Defining the Vision for Your Project #

Overview: #

For this week we did research about the analogues of our project and current need for such an app. By analyzing the results, we were able to find that existing projects lack in some components and can be improved in some way and that at least in our student’s row we have interest in such a product.

Key points of a project (what we need to do) #

  • User account.
  • Ability to create, delete and edit a recipe
  • Ability to add images to each step
  • List of saved recipes (it can be filtered, sorted etc.)
  • Ability to share your recipe (with other app users)
  • Ability to search for new recipe (Preferably in our database of shared recipes by other users)
  • Ability to import recipes with URL of website or just text

Schematic Drawings: #


Tech Stack: #

  • Frontend - HTML, CSS, ReactJS
  • Backend - FastAPI
  • Database - PostgresQL
  • Mobile application - Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose Multiplatform
  • Deployment - Docker