Week #3

Hardware Team Report #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

Technical Infrastructure: #

As the hardware team, our development environment is the robotics laboratory, provided by our experts for a better workflow. Each member in the projects has access to it, and it contains all the tools necessary to build the robot. For better development, in our team we agreed on certain file extensions and provided everyone with needed programs, available to use on their personal devices. We used YouTrack to update our progress, where anyone from our team can check other’s progress and use it to merge with theirs.

Backend Development: #

The ROS packages are in development. As the development of non-existent packages of sensors and actuators progresses towards completion, we will add them to implementation of already gathered packages.

Frontend Development: #

Since our frontend is our robots’ design, we will provide the sketches of our design. Also we create the page to demonstrate our solutions in design (inside, outside & 3d model showcase).

Data Management: #

All of the sensors will send the data to Our Embedded computing board (Nvidia jetson nano) Then it will be processed to send back an action to either sensors or Motors

Prototype Testing: #

After finishing the development of the 3D model, we ran simulations related to real life scenarios such as carrying weights up to 100Kg and the reliability of the emergency button as it needs to be easy to reach to and to click on.

Progress report: #

Prototype: #

Our prototype is a 3D CAD model. It allows us to run simulations and ensures the final quality of our product.

Prototype Features: #

We included all the necessary components and their connectors, we considered how they will be attached to each other and weight distribution cases without neglecting the possibility of personal adjustments such as modification of the angle of view of the camera or the reachability of the emergency button.

User Interface: #

The user might press on the Emergency button when needed and can put their weights on the Place on top which is on top of the robot. Here is the **[link]** with the brief introduction to the design of our project.

Challenges and Solutions: #

We encountered challenges such as finding the identical parts to buy as they were used in primary versions of the design, which forced us to adapt and create other types of connections according to the availability of parts in russia.

Next Steps: #

As of our next steps, we will keep on updating the design with upgrades to make it more robust and attractive for the consumers. We will also proceed with the creation of 3d parts ( such as 3d printing with PLA or PETG ) and also gathering other metallic parts. Finally we will create the robot and bring it to life by assembling all the parts together.