Week #1

Simple Marketplace Website Project #

Week #1 #

Team Formation and Project Proposal #

Team Members #

Team MemberTelegram IDEmail Address
Azizullo Sadriddinzoda@azizullo_sadriddinzodaa.sadriddinzoda@innopolis.univeristy
Muhibullo Khujabekov@QWERTY_5999m.khujabekov@innopolis.university
Aleksei Kureikin@kaaxDa.kureikin@innopolis.university
Habibullo Assoev@habibulloassoevh.assoev@innopolis.university
Askar Akhmetkhanov@theGuyFromReddita.akhmetkhanov@innopolis.university
Kamil Mirgasimov@mirgasimovkk.mirgasimov@innopolis.university
Yoqub Davlatov@yoqub_davlatovy.davlatov@innopolis.university

Value Proposition #

Identify the Problem: #

Many small businesses and individual sellers struggle to find an affordable and easy-to-use platform to sell their products online. Existing marketplaces often have high fees, complex interfaces, and inadequate support for local sellers.

Solution Description: #

We propose to create a simple, user-friendly marketplace website that allows small businesses and individual sellers to list their products, manage orders, and engage with customers. Our platform will focus on ease of use, affordability, and support for local sellers.

Benefits to Users: #

  • Ease of Use: Intuitive interface for listing products and managing sales.
  • Affordability: Low transaction fees compared to major marketplaces.
  • Support for Local Sellers: Features tailored to the needs of local businesses, such as local delivery options and community engagement tools.

Differentiation: #

  • User-Centric Design: Focus on simplicity and user experience.
  • Local Focus: Special features and support for local businesses.
  • Affordable Fees: Lower costs to encourage small and new sellers.

User Impact: #

Users will find it easier to start selling online without the overhead of complex and expensive platforms. Local sellers will benefit from community-focused features that help them reach and engage with their target audience.

User Testimonials or Use Cases: #

Our project can be used by local small businesses and individual sellers to list and sell their products online without incurring fees. Buyers can easily discover and contact sellers within their community, facilitating local commerce and supporting the local economy. This platform provides an affordable, user-friendly solution for sellers to reach a wider audience and for buyers to find unique, locally-sourced products.

Lean Questionnaire #

What problem or need does your software project address? #

Our project addresses the need for an affordable, user-friendly online marketplace that supports small businesses and individual sellers, especially those in local communities.

Who are your target users or customers? #

Our target users are small business owners, individual sellers, and local artisans looking for an easy and affordable way to sell their products online.

How will you validate and test your assumptions about the project? #

We will validate our assumptions by creating a minimum viable product (MVP), and gathering feedback from early adopters.

What metrics will you use to measure the success of your project? #

  • Number of registered sellers
  • Number of products listed
  • User satisfaction ratings
  • Transaction volume
  • Revenue generated
  • User engagement metrics (e.g., time spent on site, repeat visits)

How do you plan to iterate and pivot if necessary based on user feedback? #

We will try to collect user feedback through possible surveys, interviews, and usage analytics. Based on this feedback, we will prioritize and implement changes to improve the platform. If significant issues or new opportunities arise, we will pivot our approach to better meet user needs.

Leveraging AI, Open-Source, and Experts #

Our team… #

  • Will leverage AI tools to provide real-time assistance during development, reducing the time spent on writing repetitive code.
  • Utilize open-source technologies to build and maintain the platform efficiently.
  • Seek advice and mentorship from industry experts to refine our approach and ensure we are following best practices.

Defining the Vision for Your Project #

Overview: #

Our goal is to create a simple and affordable online marketplace that empowers small businesses and individual sellers to thrive by connecting them with their local communities and providing the tools they need to succeed.

Tech Stack (Subject to change): #

  • Frontend: React.js for dynamic and responsive user interface.
  • Backend: Python Django for server-side logic.
  • Database: PostgreSQL for data storage.