Week #5

Week #5 #

This is how some pages of our website look like: #

Wishlist: #


Generate description using AI: #


Add new product: #


Feedbacks #

Feedback Collection Plan: Because our website is not yet deployed, we were unable to conduct a large-scale survey. Instead, we conducted a feedback session among our group members and asked for the opinions of some of our friends. Their insights have been invaluable in identifying areas for improvement. Once we deploy our project, we plan to conduct a more comprehensive survey using Google Forms to gather feedback from a broader audience. This will help us further refine and enhance our website based on user experiences and suggestions.

Conducted user surveys or feedback sessions: We conducted informal feedback sessions with our team members and a small group of friends. They used our website and shared their experiences and suggestions for improvement.

Analyzing feedback, identifying, and prioritizing issues: Overall, the feedback for the design and experience on the website was positive. However, several valuable suggestions were made, which are the follows:

  • Fix visual bugs on devices with smaller screen.
  • Implement the remaining features.
  • Implement a loading screen for better user experience.
  • Allow users to customize AI-generated descriptions (different tone options as example).
  • Address issues with AI description generation not working without VPN.
  • Enable users to share their listings on social media platforms.
  • Introduce direct communication between buyers and sellers.
  • Implement a chatbot for immediate assistance.
  • Introduce a verified sellers program.
  • Allow buyers to rate and review sellers.
  • Provide users with analytics and insights about their listings.
  • Add new AI features to enhance functionality.
  • Implement a dark mode option.
  • Create community forums or groups.

Given the extensive feedback, we acknowledge that we may not be able to implement all suggestions, but we will prioritize and take them into consideration.

Weekly Progress Report #

This week, our team worked hard on improving our project based on feedback. We reviewed our code and found many areas to improve. We refactored both the frontend and backend code, making them more efficient and future-proof. We finished important features like authorization and the ability to add or remove products and manage wishlists.

We also looked into several AI APIs to help automate product description generation, and were able to implement this feature in our website. While we faced some challenges, like making our site work well on smaller devices and redesigning our backend architecture, we successfully fixed these issues. We used the Bootstrap module to ensure the website looks good on all screen sizes.

Overall, we have made significant progress and are now focusing on testing, fixing bugs, and adding the remaining features.

Challenges & Solutions: #

1. Website not working properly on smaller devices: We encountered issues with our website’s display on smaller screens. Users reported visual bugs that affected the user experience. To fix this, we integrated the Bootstrap module into our frontend. Bootstrap’s responsive design features allowed us to address these visual bugs, ensuring a consistent experience across all devices.

2. Incomplete backend architecture: Our old backend architecture was incomplete and lacked essential features, making it difficult to implement new functionalities. We spent considerable time redesigning and refactoring our backend. This involved restructuring our data models, optimizing database queries, and enhancing API endpoints. The new architecture is now more robust and scalable, enabling us to add new features more efficiently.

Conclusions & Next Steps: #

This week marked significant progress with the complete refactor of our codebase and the implementation of key functionalities. The feedback we received provided us with clear priorities for further steps and improvements. Moving forward, we will focus on fixing visual bugs, implementing new features, and enhancing our AI features. We will also refine our project based on feedbacks and testing to ensure a high-quality, user-friendly final product.

Next week, we plan to:

  1. Address the visual bugs identified on smaller screens.
  2. Implement remaining features.
  3. Continue working on AI feature integration.
  4. Test our website on various devices to ensure compatibility.
  5. Try Gather more feedback from a broader audience once the project is deployed.

We are committed to iteratively improving our project and delivering a robust and engaging user experience.