Week #3

Week #3 #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

  • Technical Infrastructure:

We have created all of the necessary repositories on GitHub and have connected GitLab’s CI/CD to those repositories. We still have not decided whether we will host our projects via GitHub pages or with GitLab’s CI/CD, but we have our options.

  • Backend Development:

Due to communication breakdown no significant backend development occurred. The person responsible for it left Innopolis and did not write any code. The rest of the team was busy with other studies. We plan to put more emphasis on backend development next week.

  • Frontend Development:

We have developed a basic frontend app with just the profile preview. The frontend team struggled to develop any functionality due to backend development lagging behind.

  • Data Management:

We have setup PostgreSQL databases locally on our machines. We plan to write necessary automation scripts, so that every developer can have a mock database for testing.

  • Prototype Testing:

Due to lack of backend development, not much testing can occur.

Challenges & Solutions #

Our team :

  • Has very rigid structure is incapable of changes in case of emergencies (like teammates unable to fulfil their duties)
  • Is mostly unmotivated and disinterested in the project
  • Has been mostly absent throughout the first week
  • Has key roles (team lead, possible lead frontend developer) overloaded and burned out

We plan to meet with our TA and discuss solutions to these problems

Conclusions & Next Steps #

We hope that after discussing aforementioned issues with Rustam Lukmanov we can reset our team, create necessary workflows inside the team, so that the development would not stall like it did this week.