Week #5

Week #5 #

Weekly progress #

Some tasks had to be redistributed due to temporary absence of two team members, as well as unforeseen circumstances causing often productivity drops. However, tremendous progress has been made: the frontend is almost ready; the backend (including hosting, SSL support, etc.), in turn, is already more than 50% complete.

Front-end: #

Significant work has been done on improving the project architecture, focusing on reusing components to enhance efficiency and maintainability of the code. Additionally, a neighbor search screen was added to the application. Application settings were also implemented, providing a more personalized and convenient user experience. Numerous errors were fixed both in the user interface (UI) and in the website’s logic, significantly improving the overall stability and functionality of the system.

UI/UX: #

Some aspects of UI/UX were refined: age selection was added to filters, gender selection during profile creation was implemented, settings were refined in two parts of the project (both in matching and room sections). We also decided to eliminate “collectives,” leaving only matches and selected people. New setting items (“Report a Problem”, “FAQ”, “Notification Settings”, and “Language Selection”) were implemented.

Back-end: #

Backend team has successfuly implemented a complete CI/CD pipleine for the project. Now the app is updated on every commit. Backend has also made termendous progress in developing the database interaction side that connects databases and the business logic. This was the most laborious part of our work, and we plan that next week we can focus on actually implementing business logic and features.

You can look at our progress using @innolan_staging_bot. The webapp should be available

Screenshots of our app #