Week #6

Week #6 #

Progress Report #

Achievements #

  • Final Dataset Collection: We completed the collection of our final dataset, ensuring it was comprehensive and diverse to train an effective gesture recognition model.
  • Model Training: We trained the final version of our gesture recognition model, optimizing it for accuracy and performance.
  • UI and Game Mechanics Finalization: We finalized the user interface and game mechanics, ensuring a seamless and engaging player experience.
  • Model Integration: The gesture recognition model was successfully integrated into the game, allowing real-time gesture-based interactions.

Challenges & Solutions #

  • Data Diversity: Ensuring our dataset was diverse enough to handle various user inputs was challenging. We addressed this by expanding our data collection scope and including a wider range of gestures and participants.
  • Model Accuracy: Achieving high accuracy for gesture recognition required iterative refinement. We conducted extensive testing and tuning to improve the model’s performance.
  • UI Refinements: Finalizing the UI to ensure it was intuitive and user-friendly took multiple iterations and feedback sessions. We incorporated feedback from our testers to refine the UI design.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

This week, we successfully completed the final dataset collection, trained our gesture recognition model, finalized the UI and game mechanics, and integrated the gesture model into the game.

Next Steps:

  • Finalize all game assets and prepare for the final presentation and demonstration of our project.