Week #4

Week #4 #

External Feedback #

We externally tested our UX/UI design by collecting input from a small group of potential users. Their feedback helped improve the design and user experience of the site. Based on the collected comments, highlighting of information important to users was added.

In addition, we received valuable comments from our teaching assistant. We were advised to change the mechanics of catching players in hide and seek; instead of entering a long code, we were advised to use an QR-code, which would reduce the time to catch players. This was a useful comment to help improve the user experience on the platform, but in view of other more important tasks, you put this task on the back burner. We will try to complete this task later when we have completed the main tasks.

Testing identified specific areas for improvement. We reviewed every comment on our work and did what could be done quickly and what really required our intervention.

Testing #

Internal testing is a critical component of our development process. Our team is rigorously testing the prototype within the group to identify and resolve issues in both the front- and back-end components of our first game, Hide and Seek. This approach ensures we can promptly address bugs or usability issues during development. This includes:

  • Frontend Testing
    We have adapted the web application for different screen types to ensure it is responsive and provides a seamless experience across various devices. This involved testing the application on multiple devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, to ensure optimal performance and usability.

Mobile pages:

mobile auth page mobile main page

Desktop pages:

desktop auth page desktop main page
  • Automated Backend Testing
    We have initiated the process of writing automated tests for the back-end component of Hide and Seek. These tests ensure the robustness and reliability of our back-end services. We aim to complete these tests before we meet with the teaching assistant, providing us with a strong foundation of confidence in our back-end infrastructure.

Iteration #

This week’s iteration has focused on several key areas:

  • Issue Resolution
    We are addressing various issues identified in the existing front- and back-end components. This process involves debugging, refining code, and improving stability and performance. Our team is committed to ensuring that Hide and Seek operates smoothly and efficiently.

  • Development of Functional Pages
    In addition to fixing issues, we are developing additional functional pages for Hide and Seek. This development involves creating new layouts, integrating them with the back-end front, and ensuring they meet our aesthetic and functional standards.

Progress reports #

  • Front-end Development
    Our front-end development efforts focus on creating and refining page layouts for Hide and Seek. This task is time-consuming as we strive to balance functionality with aesthetic appeal. Despite the challenges, we are steadily progressing, and the layouts are becoming more polished and user-friendly.

  • Back-end Development
    The back-end development for Hide and Seek logic is complete. We are now concentrating on writing automated tests to ensure the reliability and robustness of our back-end services. These tests will help us identify and fix potential issues early in the development cycle, warranting a smoother user experience. We are also working on getting statistics from the game’s process so that users are more invested and engaged in playing Hide and Seek.

  • Prompt Engineering
    We have started exploring the field of prompt engineering to integrate AI into our project. Our focus is on utilizing AI to analyze user feedback effectively. This initiative is currently in the discovery phase, where we are researching the best methods and practices to incorporate AI into our feedback analysis processes.

  • Design for Next Game - Facts
    We have completed the first design iteration for our next game, Facts. This game is currently in the planning stages, where we are outlining its development based on the lessons learned from Hide and Seek. The design process has given us a clearer vision and direction for this new game’s development.