
Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

Priority lists #

Technical Infrastructure & DevOps #

The project is designed such way, so that it could run from very low-level machines to very high-level infrastructure. At bare minimum, the project require free-tier VM with 10% 2vCPU and 4GB RAM (already done). In this configuration, all the services are deployed on the same machine and use inner docker network for communication.

The technical infrastructure cloud be scaled up to:

  • Designated MongoDB cluster with several nodes
  • Designated High-Speed RAM VM for caching mechanisms (using Redis)
  • Several dedicated VMs for the API service (with scalability on demand)
  • Efficient DNS/Proxy Load Balancer server
  • Several dedicated VMs for the frontend server (with scalability on demand)
  • CDN for the static content
  • Dedicated GPU servers for the ML models
  • VM with high memory capacity for RabbitMQ
  • Infrastructure controllers and master nodes for architecture and deployment management

Priority list for the infrastructure is the following (sorted by business Return On Investment (ROI) value):

  1. GPU servers for the ML models
  2. Single powerful VM for the API service
  3. MongoDB cluster
  4. Several VMs for the frontend server
  5. Several VMs for the backend server
  6. Load Balancer
  7. DNS/CDN/Proxy servers
  8. Dedicated RabbitMQ server
  9. High-Speed RAM VM for caching mechanisms

Infrastructure progress is the following:

  • Traefik proxy with TLS certificates
  • Container registry & container app deployment
  • Portainer for container management
  • RabbitMQ server
  • MongoDB cluster
  • Traefik load balancer
  • API service
  • Frontend service
  • ML workers service
  • Redis cache

Backend Development #

Backend development is one of the most important parts of the project, since all business logic is implemented here. Backend development task include:

  • Business logic
  • GraphQL API service
  • Webhook service for telegram
  • Storage and data management using MongoDB
  • ML workers implementation
  • Managing the deployment of the project

Priority list for the backend development is the following (sorted by business Return On Investment (ROI) value):

  1. ML workers implementation
  2. Storage and data management using MongoDB
  3. Business logic
  4. GraphQL API service
  5. Webhook service for telegram
  6. ML workers requests
  7. Managing the deployment of the project

There are a lot of dependencies between the backend task, so that they should be done in the specific order. Current progress is the following:

  • Domain entities defined
  • GraphQL API designed
  • Storage and data management objects defined
  • Storage services implemented
  • Business logic implemented
  • GraphQL API services implemented
  • Authorization implemented
  • Webhook service implemented
  • ML workers implemented

Design, Business Value & Frontend Development #

Frontend development is strongly related to the backend development, since it devpends on the API service. Frontend development task include:

  • Choose the theme, fonts, colors
  • Project business value definition
  • Designe the UI and prototyping elements
  • Authorization implementation
  • Recommendation infinity scrollable feed implementation
  • Admin panel implementation

Priority list for the frontend development is the following (sorted by business Return On Investment (ROI) value):

  1. Project business value definition
  2. Choosing the theme, fonts, colors.
  3. Desing the UI and prototyping elements
  4. Authorization implementation
  5. Recommendation infinity scrollable feed implementation
  6. Admin panel implementation

Current progress is the following:

  • Project business value definition
  • Choosing the theme, fonts, colors.
  • Desing the UI and prototyping elements
  • Authorization implementation
  • Recommendation infinity scrollable feed implementation
  • Admin panel implementation

Data Management #

Data management is one of the most important aspects of this project. To ensure project scalability and rapid development, the data management is implemented using MongoDB. For caching mechanism on several stages, such as Telegram Bot State storage, DataLoaders caching, request caching, etc., Redis is used. For the ML models, vectorized data is stored in Milvus.

Priority list for the data management is the following (sorted by business Return On Investment (ROI) value):

  1. MongoDB cluster
  2. ML models storage using Milvus
  3. Caching mechanism using Redis

Current progress is the following:

  • MongoDB document schema
  • ML models storage using Milvus
  • Caching mechanism using Redis

Prototype Testing #

Developement is done by several independent teams, so that the different project parts can be tested by different people on stage of unit and ingration testing. During futher project development, also system and acceptance testing would be done.

Go to prototype

Unit & ingration testing plans:

  • Backend unit testing (bussiness logic, storage packages, etc)
  • Backend ingration testing (API responses, data storage, telegram responses, etc)
  • Frontend unit testing (components, pages, api requests, etc)
  • Frontend ingration testing (authorization, feed, etc)
  • ML workers unit testing (recommendation systems, room allocation, etc)
  • ML workers ingration testing (receive and submit message from rabbitmq, fetch data from milvus, etc)

System testing plans:

  • Backend - ML workers communication (send and receive messages from rabbitmq, fetch data from milvus, spawn workers, correct sync of recommentations and user feedback, etc)
  • Frontend - Backend communication (responsive UI, low latency, great UX, etc)
  • Telegram - Backend communication (flawless communication, state persistence, etc)
  • Complete system testing including data flow tracing, security, load testing, etc

Acceptance testing would be done later with customers and real users, most probably out of the capstone course scope.

Progress report #

Our accomplishments this week include successfully prototyping the recommendation model, testing the model through the CLI, and making significant progress on the GraphQL API. We continue to work on improving the algorithms and API, and are preparing to begin a new phase of the project - the development of an algorithm for assigning students to rooms.

Prototype Features

This week, we focused on implementing the recommendation algorithm whose hypotheses we created and tested in Weeks 1 and 2. Key features and capabilities that were successfully implemented in our prototype include:

  • Hybrid neighbor selection: Students who are close to the user’s interests are recommended first, then students who are close to the subscribers' interests are recommended.
  • Issuing recommendations: The prototype can issue up to 10 recommendations at a time. The modes alternate with each new call.
  • Model testing: Currently, model testing is done through the CLI (terminal).
User Interface

Since our current prototype does not include a GUI, this part of the report will be skipped.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge A: Faced the need to allocate more time to develop GraphQL API to interact with the distributed recommendation model deployment system. This was due to the complexity of integrating different components of the system.

Solution: Reorganized tasks and reallocated team time to focus on the core elements of the API. Development is on track, but with some adjustments to the


Next Steps

Next week, our team plans to:

  • Optimizing and improving the accuracy of the recommendation algorithm based on the data and feedback received.
  • Continued work on the GraphQL API, including implementing additional features and testing of the API.
  • Defining basic criteria and creating a basic model for allocation of students to rooms.

We are grateful for the feedback and are committed to improving our reports and results in line with the recommendations received.