
Week #4 #

External Feedback:

  • Early prototype was shared among several acquitances of ours for testing and feedback gathering. They were asked to note the shortcomings of the current product. Among the most important of their notes was the notion of lack of hotkeys which are an entrenched practice users expect to be implemented.


  • We implemented unit and MVC tests for the backend part and it helped us find some problematic endpoints that was not working properly or was not working at all.


  • We incorporated the feature of hotkeys into our project design, while overall sticking to the existing plan and vision.

Weekly Progress Report #


  • Crossover feature - search for mashups by two original tracks or authors


  • Simple player added
  • Cache introduced
  • Crossover implemented

Backend and Database:

  • Crossover implemented
  • More routes implemented
  • Route for connection with ML model implemented
  • Added unit and MVC tests

Machine Learning:

  • Mock-microservice for recommendations created

Challenges & Solutions #

  • Because of several simultaneous events potential workforce and worktime were stretched

Plans for the Next Week #

  • Improve player functionality
  • Finish ML model
  • Continue backend development
  • Dockerize