Week #3

Week #3 #

Developing the first prototype, creating the priority list #

  • Technical Infrastructure:

This week we started to connecting frontend and backend.

  • Backend Development:

Backend team made research on PYO3 for connecting with LLM and made research on threadpool. Data base for authorised users was added.

  • Frontend Development:

Frontend team implemented all needed pages on site and made a connection with backend team about connection of their parts.

  • Data Management:

We use SQL for containing data about the users.

  • Prototype Testing:

We have a site on a local server that have a registration part. Also it can receive text from the user and at that point can give it back. Also there you can choose the style of your future text.

Promt for LLM was tested.

Weekly Progress Report: #

Our team did the research on needed topics. Our team did a site that needs to be connected to backend and started the connection. Our team created benchmarks for LLM. Experemented with tokenization and created a prompt and tested it.

Challenges & Solutions #

There was something that we could not do due to the lack of knowledge. For example connecting backend with LLM is uncknown topic so we did a research on it.

Conclusions & Next Steps #

On this week we almost completed the MVP version of site. Made a research on backend part and started to working directly with LLM. For the next week we are planning to

  • Finnish model fine-tunning
  • Improve the response time of the model
  • Prepare the prototype
  • Connect to the database
  • Establish communication with the machine learning module through the backend
  • Check and refine, if necessary, multithreaded and asynchronous operation
  • Implement communication of backend and frontend to send all needed data
  • Implement the database for the query history of each account